December 30, 2020 Giving You the 2021 Opportunity to Become a Doer

“Your big opportunity may be right where you are now.” – Napoleon Hill

A wise man once said, “We are a community of doers.” 

You arrived at Topcoder for a number of reasons: Competitive programming? Gig work? Newbie UX designer? QA expert? Regardless of why or how you are here. Something prompted you to register and join our community or maybe you’re still on the fence. 

This past year has been a bit all over the place for so many of us. However, one thing has remained constant; our desire to provide our community with numerous opportunities to grow and learn. We also don’t plan to slow down any time soon.

More Opportunity For 2021

We are looking forward to keeping the opportunities coming for 2021, including:

  • New and renewed partnerships with AlefEdge, Adobe, Mulesoft, Headspin, and others to allow you to learn new tech, get certified, and earn money with your new skills.
  • More educational resources to help you be successful in one of our freelance gigs or as a full-time Topcoder member.
  • Weekly chats with the community team every Monday at 10:00 UTC -5. Kick-off each week with the latest at Topcoder and talk to us face to face for help, networking, or to just say “Hello”.
  • Beta Testers group to gain access to the latest features of the Topcoder platform and help us lead new ways in testing experiences.
  • Our Crowd for Good initiative for the Yellowstone Economic Research Center (YERC).
  • Interesting timed SRM like contests for Software Developers – Rapid Development Matches (RDMs) focused on making you practice and get better at web/mobile development languages, technologies, libraries and frameworks.
  • New Topcoder Skill Builder challenges where you can ramp up on new technologies, get the verified skill added to your profile, practice for RDM‘s and help you get a gig.
  • More Rookie SRMs for newbies to get motivated for competitive programming. 
  • More THRIVE articles for you to digest with plans to top the over 1,000 we added in 2020.
  • New webinars with field experts and professional speakers looking to help you advance your careers, your skills, and your personal brand.

We hope that with all the opportunities and more being planned, you will become a doer in our community – doing amazing things for yourself, your family, your life, and for our community. 

Head of Community


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