September 10, 2020 Find Us Good People, We’ll Pay You Good Money

Earn $500 for bringing us good people? True story… read on!

Did you know that Topcoder has grown to over 1.5 million members pretty much organically throughout its history? It’s people like you who tell their friends about us and so on and so on. You can’t buy that kind of love!

That is one of the things I love about this community – you’re here because you heard it was a great place to be from a trusted source. So true.

When it comes to spending your quality time on something, it should be for a meaningful return on investment. That is why we’re always trying to bring you the next best thing: new technologies, new opportunities, new learning, and new ways to earn money. 

With our latest endeavor to keep our community engaged and fulfilled, with Gig Work, we’re looking at you all to help us find good people. We think your contacts and friends would be a good fit for us because if you’re here as part of our community, odds are you’re quality time is well spent. Your glowing recommendation is the one we need.

Gig Work couldn’t have come at a better time. With layoffs all over the place but businesses still in need of hardworking individuals, you can trust Topcoder to help you find a gig and get the gig. You can tell your friends that – that we are here for you and want to help you sustain your safe, working from home environment with well paid gigs.

What else can you tell your friends? Well, to make it easy for you, I’ve compiled a great list of resources just for you including graphics, articles, videos, and more. Find them all here.

Get the word out to your network that we have freelance, work from home gigs. When your contacts apply for a Gig, tell them to add your name as to how they heard about the gig. They get the gig and you get paid. Easy as that.*

We need good people and our community members like you are the best. I feel confident that you can also bring us the best.

Thank you and maybe this gig of helping us fulfill gigs will be fruitful for you! Refer a friend today and start planning what you’ll spend that money on!

*Some quick housekeeping:

  • For every Topcoder member placed in a gig through a member recommendation, the member who referred them will earn $500.
  • Payment will come mid way through the gig worker’s engagement. For example, if it’s a four week gig, the referrer will earn $500 two weeks after the member has joined the gig.
  • Every Topcoder member is eligible for this but they can not be a part of an agency or organization who does recruitment. If you are one of those folks, please contact me.
  • Topcoder does not condone spamming groups of people or lists via email for this. Tell your friends, share on social media, or reach out directly per the guide.

Head of Community


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