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Season 2 > TCHS Single Round Match 48 > Round 1
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Match Results - Individual
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Loner The First... 1054.03 0.00 -341.05 712.98 N/A 2191 7 2198
neal_wu Baton Rouge... 1145.95 225.00 -410.68 960.27 N/A 2053 67 2120
spencer The Harker... 629.80 -50.00 0.00 579.80 N/A 2062 -61 2001
gurugan1 Woburn... 1367.89 0.00 -673.19 694.70 N/A 1940 14 1954
zmy Chengdu No.7... 1115.29 50.00 0.00 1165.29 N/A 1586 228 1814
Kankuro Lyceum #40 1091.18 -306.12 0.00 785.06 N/A 0 1789 1789
_sunrise Belaya... 631.15 0.00 0.00 631.15 N/A 1766 11 1777 Math and... 730.12 25.00 0.00 755.12 N/A 1582 119 1701
PaulDB ICHB 701.47 100.00 0.00 801.47 N/A 1545 151 1696
v3ctor Woburn... 563.41 75.00 0.00 638.41 N/A 1635 37 1672
mirosuaf Dulwich College 739.41 0.00 -490.04 249.37 N/A 1708 -89 1619
RAD. Lyceum of... 637.49 -25.00 0.00 612.49 N/A 1570 42 1612
mastermage A.M.Guttenbrunn 457.44 0.00 0.00 457.44 N/A 1644 -46 1598
maciejk II Liceum... 741.80 0.00 0.00 741.80 N/A 1452 137 1589
cheater_no1 High School... 709.65 0.00 0.00 709.65 N/A 1491 85 1576
victorsb ICHB 531.23 0.00 0.00 531.23 N/A 1561 14 1575
devilkind ICHB 628.21 25.00 0.00 653.21 N/A 1486 79 1565
exod40 High School... 249.55 0.00 0.00 249.55 N/A 1624 -69 1555
rogrog Ogólnokształ... 709.74 0.00 0.00 709.74 N/A 1447 105 1552
donalexey ICHB 431.16 125.00 -182.41 373.75 N/A 1552 -30 1522
wangye wuhuyizhong 242.02 0.00 0.00 242.02 N/A 1689 -175 1514
GunnERs ZHONGSHAN... 1044.74 -50.00 -537.06 457.68 N/A 1531 -32 1499
bbi5291 Woburn... 547.56 0.00 0.00 547.56 N/A 1479 18 1497
valich SPb PTHS 397.95 100.00 -150.00 347.95 N/A 1542 -49 1493
ArseniySavin 57 540.72 -75.00 0.00 465.72 N/A 1521 -39 1482
victorj Dulwich College 566.42 25.00 0.00 591.42 N/A 1429 45 1474
kcd AESC MSU 622.29 0.00 0.00 622.29 N/A 1319 124 1443
IP314 XV. Gimnazij... 245.76 25.00 0.00 270.76 N/A 1476 -67 1409
Hornax gymnasium 25 646.90 0.00 0.00 646.90 N/A 1276 118 1394
hayk.saribekyan Quantum 579.13 0.00 -336.61 242.52 N/A 1493 -121 1372
sims ICHB 421.02 125.00 0.00 546.02 N/A 1327 38 1365
Prostu CNITV 578.06 0.00 -330.06 248.00 N/A 1416 -52 1364
flym Liceum of... 585.15 100.00 0.00 685.15 N/A 1166 190 1356
NALP Lyceum of... 540.03 0.00 0.00 540.03 N/A 1292 63 1355
Fereshte. farzanegan 552.76 0.00 0.00 552.76 N/A 1294 58 1352
smel Vologda... 1081.47 -389.60 -246.13 445.74 N/A 1341 3 1344
gstsclq National... 657.18 25.00 0.00 682.18 N/A 1222 118 1340
Binary_Fire Colegiul... 603.03 0.00 0.00 603.03 N/A 1242 83 1325
Nikelandjelo BSU Lyceum 1134.46 -838.68 0.00 295.78 N/A 1344 -22 1322
Shapichev AESC MSU 392.52 -25.00 0.00 367.52 N/A 1328 -11 1317
Endag0ri0n AESC MSU 688.25 0.00 -439.76 248.49 N/A 1349 -68 1281
AndyFang ZHONGSHAN... 515.00 0.00 0.00 515.00 N/A 1221 58 1279
Zloi lyceum of KSU 513.77 0.00 0.00 513.77 N/A 1191 79 1270
koryabkin Mytischi... 518.59 0.00 0.00 518.59 N/A 1194 56 1250
SourSpinach Woburn... 248.55 0.00 0.00 248.55 N/A 1265 -21 1244
__d__m Coimbatore... 581.46 0.00 0.00 581.46 N/A 1003 219 1222
Breaman I LO im... 652.19 -429.99 0.00 222.20 N/A 1403 -195 1208
PavelChadnov Liceum at... 666.89 -369.87 0.00 297.02 N/A 1186 13 1199
szkielet III LO 515.51 0.00 0.00 515.51 N/A 1119 70 1189
Martinsos XV. Gimnazij... 436.65 150.00 0.00 586.65 N/A 1035 147 1182
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