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SRM 161
Thursday, August 28, 2003

Match summary

SRM 161 had a familiar script. Division 1 coders rushed through the easy and medium problems to be faced with a ferocious hard. SnapDragon, the first coder to finish, entered the challenge round in first, only a few points ahead of second place Tomek. In the closing minutes of the challenge round, SnapDragon successfully challenged Tomek pushing him well into first. He had sighted a nasty precision error that claimed most of the Division 1 submissions. Once systests had completed all but one submission of the Division 1 hard failed. As a result, SnapDragon beat all competitors by a large margin, solidifying his position as the highest rated coder ever. In Division 2, Javaholic finished all of the problems well before anyone else, but his medium failed systests allowing Chaotica to take the top spot.

The Problems

CardCount discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 152 / 162 (93.83%)
Success Rate 125 / 152 (82.24%)
High Score duner for 246.67 points (3 mins 18 secs)
Average Score 206.61 (for 125 correct submissions)

When possible, it's nice to have the solution's structure mimic what's actually occurring in the problem. Here we have that luxury. First set up the variable you will be returning (String[], vector<STRING>,...). Then loop through the deck, as a dealer would, and deal one to each player. The only extra bit of information, is to check whether to deal another round. Java code follows:

public String[] dealHands(int numPlayers, String deck) {
    String[] players = new String[numPlayers];
    java.util.Arrays.fill(players,""); //null Strings are annoying
    for (int left = deck.length(); left >= numPlayers; ) 
   for (int i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++, left--) 
    return players;
An alternate way would use modulus:
public String[] dealHands(int numPlayers, String deck) {
    String[] players = new String[numPlayers];
    java.util.Arrays.fill(players,""); //null Strings are still annoying
    for (int i = 0; i < deck.length(); i++) {
   if (i%numPlayers==0 && deck.length()-i<numPlayers) break; 
    return players;

StringTrain discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level Two:
Value 500
Submission Rate 106 / 162 (65.43%)
Success Rate 70 / 106 (66.04%)
High Score isv for 428.34 points (12 mins 2 secs)
Average Score 272.22 (for 70 correct submissions)

In this problem, we basically just follow directions. Initially we setup a string Train, upon which our processing will occur. Then we loop through the remaining strings, and look for matches. The big gotcha is that all matched prefixes/suffixes must be proper (not empty, not everything). At the end, we remove all but the last occurrence of each letter with a single loop. Java code follows:

public String buildTrain(String[] cars) {
    String Train = cars[0]; //Setup Train
    for (int index = 1; index < cars.length; index++) {
   for (int startSuffix = 1; startSuffix < Train.length(); startSuffix++) {
       String suffix = Train.substring(startSuffix);
       if (cars[index].startsWith(suffix) && suffix.length() != cars[index].length()) {
      Train += cars[index].substring(suffix.length());
      break; //stop looking for suffix
    String ret = ""; //For returning
    for (int charPos = Train.length()-1; charPos >= 0; charPos--) {
   char current = Train.charAt(charPos);
   if (ret.indexOf(current)==-1) ret = current+ret;
    return Train.length()+" "+ret;

TennisRallies discuss it
Used as: Division Two - Level Three:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 29 / 162 (17.90%)
Success Rate 19 / 29 (65.52%)
High Score Javaholic for 881.15 points (10 mins 44 secs)
Average Score 628.18 (for 19 correct submissions)
Used as: Division One - Level Two:
Value 500
Submission Rate 103 / 124 (83.06%)
Success Rate 88 / 103 (85.44%)
High Score tomek for 464.13 points (8 mins 1 secs)
Average Score 317.94 (for 88 correct submissions)

This is a classic brute force problem. We have a space of possible solutions, namely all strings of 'c's and 'd's of a given length. We have to count all those that satisfy certain conditions. The method I advocate, due to its simplicity, is called generate-and-test. As it sounds, we will generate all potential strings, and test each for viability. To help explain the details of this process, I will illustrate two distinct methods that produce the correct results. In the first method, we use binary strings to represent possible stroke sequences. 1 will represent 'c', and 0 will represent 'd'. This works, since every sequence corresponds to exactly one binary string. For example, "cdcdcccddd" will correspond to "1010111000". The reason we introduce binary strings in the first place, is since we can loop through them in a very natural manner. Java code follows:

public int howMany(int numLength, String[] forbidden, int allowed) {
    int ret = 0; //to be returned
    for (int gen = 0; gen < (1<<numLength); gen++) {  //Generate 000... through 111...
   char[] buffer = new char[numLength];
   for (int digitMask = 1,j=0; digitMask < (1<<numLength); digitMask *= 2,j++) { //loop through bits
       if ( (digitMask & gen) != 0 ) buffer[j]= 'c';  //test mask against binary string
       else buffer[j]= 'd';
   String correspond = new String(buffer);
   int countForb = 0; //counts forbidden sequences
   for (int charPos = 0; charPos < correspond.length(); charPos++) 
       for (int forbIndex = 0; forbIndex < forbidden.length; forbIndex++) 
      if (correspond.startsWith(forbidden[forbIndex],charPos)) countForb++;
   if (countForb < allowed) ret++;
    return ret;
Notice how digitMask will assume the values 1,10,100,1000,... in sequence. Using the bitwise-and operation, digitMask allows me to test whether a given bit is 1 in gen. After correspond has been built, I loop through looking for substrings that match elements of forbidden. My final if statement tests for whether the string has few enough forbidden sequences. Also, the char[] buffer was used to avoid building a lot of Strings. Even with that slight optimization, this method just barely runs in time (approx. 6 seconds on some test cases).

In the second method, we search through the possible strings in a recursive fashion. Among other things, this allows us to eliminate groups of bad strings early on. Java code follows:
public int howMany(int numLength, String[] forbidden, int allowed) {
   return rec(0,numLength,"",allowed, forbidden);

int rec(int index, int numLength, String curr, int allowed, String[] forbidden) {
    if (index == numLength) return 1; //Base case
    int ret = 0;  //to be returned
    for (char stroke = 'c'; stroke<='d'; stroke++) {
   int newAllowed = allowed;
      String newCurr = curr+stroke;
   for (int forbIndex = 0; forbIndex < forbidden.length; forbIndex++) {
       if (newCurr.endsWith(forbidden[forbIndex])) newAllowed++;
   if (newAllowed <= 0) continue;
   ret+=rec(index+1, numLength, newCurr, newAllowed, forbidden);
    return ret;
The recursive function rec tries each possible character ('c' or 'd') for each position. It is also optimized to look for forbidden sequences at each recursion level. This way a generated string with a bad prefix will be ignored early on, thus accelerating the process. Understanding the recursive method may require more thought for some. When I think about how this function works, I consider how it behaves on a given index. Basically, when rec is called and index is k, it considers strings that have either 'c' or 'd' in position k. The concept lurking between the lines of code states that all strings can be divided in to 2 groups. Strings with 'c' in position k, and strings with 'd' in position k.

IsHomomorphism discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level One:
Value 300
Submission Rate 119 / 124 (95.97%)
Success Rate 117 / 119 (98.32%)
High Score tomek for 294.29 points (3 mins 58 secs)
Average Score 244.68 (for 117 correct submissions)

Once you figure out what the problem is asking, this one is really quick. When you want to compute the results of @, the first operation, use the source matrix. When you want to compute the results of ~, the second operation, use the target matrix. Java code follows:

public String[] numBad(String[] source, String[] target, int[] mapping) {
    ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
    for (int a = 0; a < source.length; a++) 
   for (int b = 0; b < source.length; b++) 
       if (mapping[source[a].charAt(b)-'0'] != target[mapping[a]].charAt(mapping[b])-'0') 
    return (String[])al.toArray(new String[0]);

PermutationValues discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Three:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 6 / 124 (4.84%)
Success Rate 1 / 6 (16.67%)
High Score SnapDragon for 545.81 points (32 mins 14 secs)
Average Score 545.81 (for 1 correct submission)

The key to this problem is that 64-bit data types really aren't that big. 20! is the largest factorial you can fit in a signed 64-bit integral type. The moral of the story is, you only need to look at the last 20 set of numbers when considering the permutation, all others are fixed. The first thing we do is check whether lexPos is greater than the total number of permutations. This can only occur if the total quantity of numbers is at most 20, and lexPos is large. If this is the case, we compute its remainder mod (total quantity)!. Next we factorially decompose lexPos. I'll show you an example. Let's say lexPos is 47. We can represent it as 1321, where the place values are 4!,3!,2!, and 1! respectively. In other words, 1321 would be evaluated as 1*4!+3*3!+2*2!+1*1!=47.

Once we have such a decomposition, we can quickly evaluate the lexPosth permutation. For example, lets say we have the set of numbers 1,2,3,4,5. Every time we change the first value to be one higher, we advance the lexicographic position by 4!. This is clear when we realize that 2,1,3,4,5 will come after any permutation that begins with 1. There are exactly 4! of these. Continuing on with each digit, we can calculate the entire set of permuted values. If we wanted the permutation corresponding to a lexPos of 47 we would get 2, 5, 3, 4, 1. More explicitly, we started with 1,2,3,4,5. Then:

  1. Took 2. We are now left with 1,3,4,5.
  2. Took 5. We are now left with 1,3,4.
  3. Took 4. We are now left with 1,4.
  4. Took 3. We are now left with 1.
  5. Took 1.

Notice how the values we took correspond to the factorial decomposition of 47. Had the numbers been split across multiple ranges, we could just think of them as (1,2,3,4,5...) and then convert back to their actual values at the end. The only other trick to this problem was working with 64-bit values. Since lows[] and highs[] were 32-bit values, it was easy to make a mistake calculating a range size. For example, 'long a = highs[i]-lows[i]+1' would fail due to 32-bit overflow if highs[i] and lows[i] were far enough apart.

By brett1479
TopCoder Member