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SRM 152
Thursday, June 26, 2003

Match summary

SRM 152 went pretty smoothly, with submission rates close to their long-term averages. The division 2 hard problem was one exception to this, and a great many people submitted it, but few were successful. SnapDragon started on a new streak, winning the round after his previous steak of 3 SRM's was broken in SRM 151. LunaticFringe was a distant second, 126 points behind. In third place, tomek continued to be perfect, successfully submitting all 3 problems for his 4th straight competition. In division 2, Veloso edged out the competition by an equally large margin, getting high scores on all three problems. jpo, in fifth place was the highest scoring new comer, with 1298.59.

The Problems

FixedPointTheorem  discuss it
Used as: Division-II - Level 1:
Submission Rate193 / 219 (88.13%)
Success Rate191 / 193 (93.78%)
High ScoreVeloso for 246.60 points

There's not a whole lot to this one. Basically just follow the instructions. You are given a simple function: F(X)=R*X*(1-X). You start with X = 0.25, and R is an input. Then, you repeatedly set X = F(X), 200000 times. After this, you simply do 1000 more iterations, and take the maximum minus the minimum of those iterations. There wasn't really anything tricky here. One thing to note is that the range of R ensures that F(X) will always be between 0 and 1, exclusive. Since it starts in this range, we can show this by induction. Assuming that it X is in the range 0 to 1, exclusive, we want to show that F(X) is also in this range. The lower bound is pretty obvious, since both X and (1-X) are positive. The upper bound comes from the fact that X*(1-X) <= 0.25 for all 0<X>1, and the fact that R < 1. So, since X is bounded thus, you don't have to worry about overflow or underflow, as the problem states. It turns out that there are a few values in the input range that will not converge in 200,000 iterations (and hence are not allowed), but they will converge eventually. On the other hand, for larger values of R, above 3.569, F(X) may not converge at all, but instead forms an infinite, non-repeating series.

LeaguePicks  discuss it
Used as: Division-II - Level 2:
Submission Rate175/219 (79.91%)
Success Rate131 / 175 (83.55%)
High ScoreVeloso for 492.59 points
Used as: Division-I - Level 1:
Submission Rate130 / 132 (98.48%)
Success Rate 124 / 130 (98.48%)
High ScoreSnapDragon for 248.41 points

This problem is about a TopCoder fantasy league, an idea which vorthys takes credit for. In particular, there is a draft where people get to choose who they have on their fantasy team (dibs on SnapDragon). The order in which the friends in this problem get to draft people is the same as the way competitors are assigned to rooms in TopCoder tournaments. Namely, you order everyone, then go down the list, and back up the list, repeatedly until everyone is drafted. This problem asks, given your place in the list, the total number of people playing in the league, and the total number of people to be drafted, which picks will you get. The most obvious way to do this is to iterate over all picks, and keep track of whose turn it is. Start by going up, and reverse direction each time you get to the end of the list. Since there are at most 1600 draftees, this is plenty fast, are pretty simple to code. Another way to do it is to notice that you start with the pick numbered the same as your position. friends - position people then go after you, and each goes twice, and then you get the next pick. So the next pick is 2 * (friends - position) + 1 later. After that, the people before you go, so your next pick is 2 * position - 1 later. If you add these two quantities alternately, you will get all the right numbers, and you simply terminate when you get to a number that is bigger than the number of draftees.

ProblemWriting  discuss it
Used as: Division-II - Level 3:
Submission Rate99/ 219 (45.21%)
Success Rate16 / 99 (16.16%)
High ScoreVeloso for 786.09 points

This problem involves checking that a given string conforms to a certain grammar (which is also used in the division 1 hard), and returning an error message if it does not. A lot of people seemed to struggle with the notation in this problem, so before reading the analysis, it might be helpful to read about Backus Naur Form.That said, the simplest way to implement this is to write a small state machine. In a state machine, there are a number of different states, and we simply iterate through all of the characters in the string, changing states based on what those characters are.There should be 4 states in our state machine. The first state, which we will call s0, is our start state. It indicates that the next character in the string should be a digit. So, if we are in state s0, and encounter a digit, we advance to state s1. If we are in state s0, and encounter anything other than a digit, then an error message should be returned. From s1, there are three different state transitions, depending on the character encountered:

  1. If the character is a '.', then move to state s2.
  2. If the character is an operator, then we advance to state s3.
  3. Otherwise, return an error message

Now, state s2 turns out to be exactly the same as state s1 in terms of advancing to other states (there is an important difference which we will get to later).If we are in state s3, then there are two cases based on the character encountered:

  1. If the character is a '.', then stay in state s3.
  2. If the character is a digit, then we advance to state s1.
  3. Otherwise, return an error message

That is it for our state transitions. Now, the distinction between states s1 and s2 is that the machine must be in state s1 after all of the characters have been read, or else an error message should be returned. The idea of a state machine is a very useful one, and it would behoove all coders to become familiar with it. Anyhow, here it is in code:

int S0 = 0, S1 = 1, S2 = 2, S3 = 3;
String ops = "+*-/";
if (dotForm.length() < 1 || dotForm.length() > 25) 
               return "dotForm must contain between 1 and 25 characters, inclusive.";
boolean good = true;
int STATE = S0;
for (int i = 0; i < dotForm.length(); i++) {
      char curr = dotForm.charAt(i);
      good = true;
      if (STATE == S0) {
         if (Character.isDigit(curr)) STATE = S1;
         else good = false;
      } else if (STATE == S1 || STATE == S2){
         if (curr=='.')STATE = S2;
         else if (ops.indexOf(curr)!=-1) STATE = S3;
         else good = false;
      } else if (STATE == S3) {
         if (curr=='.') STATE = S3;
         else if (Character.isDigit(curr)) STATE = S1;
         else good = false;
      if (!good) return "dotForm is not in dot notation, check character "+i+".";
} if (STATE!=S1) return "dotForm is not in dot notation, check character "+(dotForm.length())+".";
return "";
QuiningTopCoder  discuss it
Used as: Division-I - Level 2:
Submission Rate77 / 132 (58.33%)
Success Rate48 / 77 (62.34%)
High ScoreLunaticFringe for 351.53 points

In this problem you had to perform a simulation of a machine executing a fairly simple programming language. There were a lot of different cases, and it looks overwhelming at first glance. However, if you are methodical, and follow the directions well, its not too hard. One way to make it a little more manageable is to write two functions, push(int n) and pop(), to handle all of your stack management. Doing all of the stack work for each case is a good way to make your code harder for everyone, including yourself, to read. Other than that, it was mostly just a matter of following directions carefully. The character printing could also be made a little more orderly by writing a method to handle that, but its not as important as the stack functions. As an interesting exercise, try to write a Quine in your language of choice. Some languages are can be done with many fewer characters than others.

DotNotation  discuss it
Used as: Division-I - Level 3:
Submission Rate13 / 132 (9.85%)
Success Rate8 / 13 (61.54%)
High ScoreSnapDragon for 714.58 points

The best approach to take to this problem is recursion with memoization. Start with the entire expression, and determine which expressions within the expression could be the dominant ones. Then, for each potentially dominant operator, split the expression into two parts around that operator and its dots, a left and right operand, and recursively call your function. Your recursive method should return a list of all of the possible values that an expression could be evaluated to. So, when the lists for the left and right side of an operator have both been evaluated, you can take every possible pair of values from the left and right, and evaluate the operator. Then, you add all of these results into your return list. So, the pseudocode (with memoiziation) goes something like this:

recurse(string expression){
        if(recurse(expression) has already been calculated)
            return cached value of recurse(expression);
        list ret;
        foreach(possible dominant operator){
            string left = left operand of operator;
            string right = right operand of operator;
            foreach(value l in left){
                foreach(value r in right){
                    if(l op r is not in ret)
                        add l op r to ret;
        save ret to cache;    
        return ret;

Now, the main part that is left out is how to determine which operators might be dominant. The simplest way to determine this is to just try them all. For each one, count how many dots there are before and after the operator, and then check all of the other operators before and after the operator in question to see if the operator in question can be dominant. You also have to be a little careful about your data structures. In particular, you don't want to be doing a linear search of ret every time you want to add a number to it. Once you have your recursive function written, you simply return the size of the list it returns when called on the whole expression.

By lbackstrom
TopCoder Member