Startup Skillbook Is Growing : Topcoder Skill Builder Competition : Azure

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Status: ‌Cancelled client request

Challenge Overview

Competition Introduction

Welcome to our Topcoder Skill Builder Competition Azure! These competitions are designed for everyone to skill up, have fun, and earn more money through Topcoder Gigs and Competitions.
. Jump-in, build your skills and as always let us know what you think and where Topcoder can continue to improve and bring competitions that are meaningful to you.

Topcoder Skill Builder Competitions

  • Skill Builder Competitions will have three (3) problems (Easy, Medium, and Hard) to solve. Allowing you to submit and learn as you go. These problems will be re-launched every week for the next 6 weeks to provide you feedback, review your solutions and provide review scores. You may submit again in any of the subsequent week, incase you want to improve or your submission did not pass. The problem links will be updated every week on this challenge.
  • As you know, we have a lot of Gig Work Opportunities offers available for you right now.  We would use these competitions to match you to our Gig Work Opportunities and also provide you with a Verified Skill Badge on your Topcoder Profile so you can add them to your resumes. So don’t hesitate to jump in, work on the competitions, and earn a job for yourself.

Last Week Prizes

  • $25 for five random successful submissions in Easy problem
  • $50 for five random successful submissions in Medium problem
  • $75 for five random successful submissions in Hard problem
  • If you already successful submitted to previous problems, you’ll automatic added to the random draw
  • IMPORTANT: Prizes in this host challenge are just to represent full prizes of all problems and NOT a real prize to this challenge

Problem Statement

The Startup Skillbook is growing! Let’s help ‘em get the clouds.

The Skillbook is a website where people are able to create profiles to share their skills. The website is going very well and the community is growing.

The problem is the website running on a local server and not good enough to keep fast response in rush hours (server high traffic).

They need us to help with help to move from local server to Azure cloud server and use Azure tools to Scalability, Deploy and Testing. They challenged us with their three problems to solve (Easy, Medium, Hard).

It is time to showcase your Azure Skills at Topcoder! These competitions are just the right place for you.

Technology Stack

  • Azure
  • Github
  • Wordpress


  • We have prepared three problems: Easy, Medium, and Hard, which are worth 250, 500, 1000 points respectively. Points are based on the difficulty of the problem.
  • The competitions may or may not be related to each other.
  • The links to the problems/competitions are provided below.
  • Each problem has one single requirement to achieve. We will judge your submission based on the requirement being fulfilled in each problem, so as long as the requirements are met with minimal code quality, you would be rewarded with points for that particular problem.
  • Here is the leaderboard with individual problem score and total score across weeks is available.


  1. Easy: 250 Points :: Move to Cloud
  2. Medium: 500 Points :: Load Balancer and Scalability
  3. Hard: 1000 Points :: DevOps - Board, Pipelines and Testing

Final Submission Guidelines

- You don’t need to submit anything on this competition, but submit on a particular problem


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30139789