Hard | Write Test Scripts for Slack App | Appium Skill Builder Competition [1000 Points]

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Challenge Overview

Write Test Scripts for Slack App 

This is the 1000 points Hard Level problem of Topcoder Skill Builder Challenge: Appium.

For more challenge context info Register for the Host Competition before submitting a solution to this problem.

Solving this problem you learn:

  • Detailed understanding of Appium Technology. 

  • Problem-solving skills for mobile automation. 


In this problem, your task is to write automated test scripts for the famous team collaboration app known as SlackSlack is a workplace communication tool, a single place for messaging, tools and files.

The App is available on both Android and iOS and you can choose either of them and write the automated scripts for the test cases mentioned below you can also find the excel version here

Here is the sample source code for your reference purpose of this challenge.


  • We have prepared three problems: Easy, Medium, and Hard, which are worth 250, 500, 1000 points respectively. Points are based on the difficulty of the problem.

  • The competitions may or may not be related to each other.

  • The links to the problems/competitions are provided below.


Final Submission Guidelines

Zip file with

  • a screenshot or a video verification file (in google drive).

  • Source code with deployment guide.


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

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Final Review

Community Review Board


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ID: 30181603