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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Topcoder Appium Learning Series! We are excited to introduce another open-source technology (test automation framework) for the Topcoder Community to learn! The Topcoder Learning Series was created to help everyone become more aware of new technologies and provide guidance and education that will benefit you in future challenges and future gig opportunities. Appium is an open-source automation tool for running scripts and testing native applications, mobile-web applications and hybrid applications on Android or iOS using a webdriver.

This challenge is the Advanced Level Challenge of the learning series. If you are just getting started with Appium, we recommend you to Register and Compete in the Getting Started Challenge to kick off your journey with Appium and then come back to showcase your skills here.

Challenge Prizes

Top 5 valid submissions will be paid. 

Winner will be selected based on review scorecard and submission time in case of a tie.

Review Criteria

The code challenge scorecard will be used to review the submissions, in which we will focus this criterias as major requirements

  • Number of user flows (scenarios completed)

  • Coding standards and documentation provided

  • Breadth of test coverage (devices and platforms) 

  • Types of testing scenarios (ui, functional, performance, etc…)

  • Stability of tests (how many times can they be run in a row without failure)

  • Quality of reports (how useful would this be in a CI system)

Technology Stack

- Appium (latest version)


In this challenge you are asked to write automated test scripts for an app by Amazon.  As well as being an online retailer, Amazon allows for individuals and businesses to sell and display products for sale online.

It is available on both Android and iOS and you can choose either of them and write the automate scripts for the test cases mentioned below:

Test case : 

Reference Test Case : 
If there may appear any changes in future; that will be the decision of  the PM/Copilot.

Final Submission Guidelines

Zip file with

  • Submit a screenshot or a video verification file.

  • Source code with deployment guide.

Note : Please don't update your video on third party application ( eg. youtube ). You can upload the video on gdrive and share that link.



2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30143094