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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to Create an app, send your favorite Topcoder members to Houston challenge. In this challenge, we are looking for you to create an animated application to send your favorite topcoder members to Houston. By doing so you will be learning new technologies, framework & how topcoder development challenges work.

Let us know any question you have!


In this challenge, there will be 3 winners each will received a prize of $500


This challenge consists of 100 points & two sprints:

  • Ideation sprint: Duration: 5 days // Points: 10 // Ends on 23rd August, 23:00 GMT
  • Submission sprint: Duration: 10 days // Points: 90

Ideation sprint:

In ideation sprint, you have to submit a text document briefing the application you would like to create & the main framework you will be using. These can be changed later if required. Making a valid & passing submission in the Ideation sprint gives you 10 points.

The ideation sprint ends on Ends on 23rd August, 23:00 GMT. To submit in the ideation round, click the Submit button & upload your document. Later while uploading your final submission use the Submit again & replace this with the complete submission & include this doc. in your submission. Valid ideation document submission made before 23rd August, 23:00 GMT will get 10 points.

Submission sprint:

In submission sprint, you have to create an application based on the challenge requirements. Once you complete all the requirements, you can submit the code by clicking the Submit button. During the submission phase, you can submit your code as many times as you like. Your last submission will be treated as the final submission & will be used for review & scoring.

Scoring and Results

Each of the submission is going to be reviewed by two Topcoder Reviewers. Each reviewer will assign a score to each of the submission after reviewing them.
Based on the scores the result of this challenge will be announced.
This challenge doesn't have an Appeal phase.

Allowed Technologies and framework

  • ReactJS
  • AngularJS 2+
  • JQuery
  • VueJS
  • D3
  • Python
  • Any other MIT licensed framework

You can host your application on:

  • Heroku
  • Firebase
  • Amazon AWS

Application Requirements


Resources and links

  • Isometric SVG format world-map is provided in the forum.
  • Icons can be used from the noun project and/or icons 8. Make sure the icon you use are freely available & doesn't require any license to use.

Problem Statement [Total: 85 points. (Wow factor: 40, Code quality & best practices: 45)

Every year Topcoder conducts Topcoder Open Event in which programmers & designers from around the world compete in the online rounds to make it to the onsite finals. This year the finals are going to be held in Houston, Texas, United States. In this challenge, we want you to create an animated web application that allows you to send your favorite TC members or friends to Houston, TX, USA.
Please note that this challenge is only for fun. To qualify for TCO onsite or regional events, one should refer to the rules on TCO site.

You should send at least 10 members, the maximum is up to you from around the world or even a distant galaxy ;) to Houston. You can make the members travel through AirPlane, Ship, Rockets, Space-ships, etc. Create an animated route from the originating location to TCO onsite Venue in Houston and send the members though AirPlane, Ship, Rockets, Space-ships, etc. Refer to the Resources and links section for icons. You are free to add more animation and effects.

For creating animation along a path you can use svg.js, Two.js or any other open-source library.

Hosting (5 points)

Hosting the submission and providing the link to browse your submission will give you 5 points.

Final Submission Guidelines

For Ideation sprint

  • A text document briefing the application you would like to create & the main framework you will be using.

Submission sprint

  • Full source code with all the requirements implemented.
  • Detailed readme that describes how to configure, build and run the app.

Licenses & attribution

  • Third-party assets used to build your item must be properly licensed or free for commercial use. MIT, some modified BSD, Apache 2 licenses are ok. If a library is not commercial friendly you will need to get our approval first.
  • Sufficient information regarding third-party assets must be present in your documentation. This includes the author, license info and a direct link to the asset online.


After submission as a submitter what should be my next step?

Once the challenge submission phase is over the assigned reviewers are going to review all the submissions based on the challenge scorecard. They are expected to raise all issues found in the submissions they are reviewing. After the completion of review phase the Appeal phase status. In this phase, the submitters should go to the Online Review page, select the project & have a look at the issues raised by the reviewers. If you disagree with the reviewer on any issue/comment, raise an appeal by clicking the `Appeal` button associated with the section and entering the appeal comment.

When & where I can see the challenge results?

After the Appeal response phase is over the results are displayed on the challenge specification page as well as on the online reivew page.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30099291