Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview


Our client NEXT provides one of the biggest housing and real estate services in Japan. They are planning to develop a new web service which requires fulltext and geo search on heroku.

In this challenge, I would like you to develop a PoC (Proof of Concept) sample search application on heroku.

The program should be written in Ruby on Rails 4 and run on heroku. Store the data in PostgreSQL and use WebSolr add-on as the search module.
We are going to pay your WebSolr cost also for non-fastest submissions.

We are in a bit of a hurry. please submit your deliverable ASAP by Monday night, or we will cancel the challenge. Please let us know in case you are working but hard to finish in time.

Features and Storyboard

  • Index (/spots)
  • Fulltext search (/spots?q=:query)
  • Search with the current location (/spots?lat=:latvalue&lon=:lonvalue)
  • Detail page (/spots/:id)

You can download the story board.

In the index page, you should see non-deleted records order by shopid column. You will see the search box as well. You do not need to use solr to display this page.

If you type a query and tap the search button, you should do the full text search via WebSolr.

If you tap a geo search button, you should do the geo search based on your current location, sorted by distance. You need to use WebSolr feature again here. You can get the current location using JavaScript GeoLocation api like navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition and post it to the server.


We need to import existing table records to heroku postgresql. You can download the schema information and sample data in UTF-8 csv files from the forum.


As you know, WebSolr add-on costs $20/mo in a cheapest plan. We are going to pay $10 for all of submissions as long as you have really tried to use WebSolr. The fee is per-second base so it will not exceed $10. I think this can be a chance for you to try WebSolr in this weekend.

See Also

We are going to another ruby/heroku challenge very soon. Stay tuned.

Final Submission Guidelines

Final Submission Guideline

  • Make sure your solution is satisfying all the requirements
  • Please follow the attached ruby coding guideline
  • You should follow general ruby on rails way
  • I like beatiful code :-)


  • Setup document (environment variables, heroku commands you need to execute, step by step guide to import the sample data etc)
  • Ruby on Rails source code
  • Your running heroku environment


Please feel free to ask us any question in the forum. We are looking forward to receiving beautiful submissions from you. thanks.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30049212