July 7, 2016 Topcoder + GitLab: Topcoder Chrome Extension Update

A few weeks ago we announced the release of a lightweight Chrome extension that integrates Topcoder with GitHub so you can seamlessly extend your development team with crowdsourcing. This week we released an update to the Chrome extension that integrates Topcoder with GitLab—functionality that continues to make it easier to use crowdsourcing to complete critical development work faster.

The Topcoder Chrome extension functions essentially the same with GitLab as it does with GitHub. Developers select the issues in GitLab that they want the Topcoder Community to work on, and with the click of a button the extension turns the contents of those issues into ready-to-launch challenges.

A Topcoder copilot is assigned to launch and manage each challenge pushed from GitLab. The Topcoder Community competes to deliver the best solution, and the Topcoder Community member who wins the challenge merges his or her solution back into the code base with a reference to the issue.

Get Started With Crowdsourcing From GitLab

If you’ve already installed the Topcoder Chrome extension, you can begin pushing issues from GitLab to Topcoder today—no additional updates needed. If you don’t yet have the extension, simply install it from the Chrome store.

Schedule a demo to learn more about Topcoder integration with the code development and project management tools your team already uses. And for details on installation and use, check out the Topcoder Chrome extension page in the Help Center.



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