June 30, 2017 Topcoder Design Month Recap: Awesome Submissions & a Trip Winner

In May we had our first ever Design Month at Topcoder! Fun design challenges, live workshops from adroc and tgerring, and an opportunity to win a trip to the TCO17 Indonesia Design Regional Event. We’ve been waiting to share the recap of the month and now that we have a winner, we’re excited to share!
First off, the amazing Workshop Wednesday sessions with our design admins were really informative and fun. In case you missed them, check them all out here:

We had two awesome fun challenges: Tinker with the Topcoder logo and Topcoder Stock images. Designers did an amazing job and were incredibly creative. Congrats to some of the winners of those challenges:

And finally… Congratulations to our TCO17 Indonesia Design Regional Event trip winner – iamtong! Iamtong won the most TCO17 points in the month of May and will win an all-expenses paid trip to the Indonesia event!
We hope you all enjoyed Design Month and we are looking forward to doing it again next year!

Head of Community


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