April 27, 2016 New Member Search

We’re proud to announce a major update to member search. It includes a lot of new functionality to make it easier (and more fun) to find members and understand our community’s capabilities:
– New design, featuring profile images, skills, and competition history (much more insightful than our previous basic list of usernames)
– Improved relevancy in usernames results, including highlighting direct matches. For example:
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sample 1
– Searching by skill, in addition to username. For example, a search for “JavaScript” shows a “leaderboard” of top members with that skill (based on competition history and profile skill entries), along with members with “JavaScript” in their usernames:
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Member search was a major community effort: from design and front end development (our first time using React in the Topcoder app), to Logstash data processing into Elasticsearch, to bug bashing. Thank you to all the members that helped along the way! This is the first of several search-enabled features that we’ll be releasing. Keep an eye out for updates to challenge search and challenge listings, along with supporting navigation enhancements (some of you have already seen and participated in the related challenges).
As usual, let us know what you think, either in the forums, by sending a message to support@topcoder.com, or using the feedback widget.

James Marquez


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