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high_school  Match Editorials
Monday, February 12, 2007

Match summary

HS SRM 32 may have been a departure from other HS SRMs, in that the problems didn't require any specific knowledge of algorithms. Ignoring the complexity of the 500 and the 1000, it seemed possible for anyone to solve them. However, by the end of the match, the number of successful submissions were less than I had hoped for, which I attribute to the complexity of the problems. Looking back, I can see that the more code you have to write, the more potential there is for error, and that is probably what happened.

Regardless of how complex the problems may have been, two high school students from China did manage to solve them all -- and in less than 40 minutes at that. Weiqi finished in first place, with ahyangyi in second. ahyangyi was in the lead after the coding phase, but with the help of the challenge phase Weiqi took over the lead. hupo001, who ended up in third place, solved all three as well. It looked like SpaceFlyer would also, but his medium failed system tests.

The Problems

BoulderRace rate it discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level One:
Value 250
Submission Rate 145 / 162 (89.51%)
Success Rate 134 / 145 (92.41%)
High Score snomak for 245.52 points (3 mins 51 secs)
Average Score 211.58 (for 134 correct submissions)
This problem asks the the coder to compute the winner of a race being run by boulders. Each boulder must travel the specified distance. The first to reach the bottom of the mountain is the winner, and ties are broken by selecting the boulder with the lower index.

This problem was simple simulation. You can keep the distance to go or the overall progress for each boulder. In my code, I choose the former. If you update each boulder’s progress starting with the first and continuing through to the last you can return immediately when a boulder’s distance to go reaches zero or less. My code is below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class BoulderRace
    int winner(vector<string> boulders, int distance)
      int i    = 0;
      int time = 0;
      vector<int> distancesToGo;

      //  Keep going until at least one boulder reaches the base of the mountain.
      int time = 0;
      while (true)
        //  Update the progress for each boulder for the current time unit.
        for (i = 0; i < boulders.size(); i++)
          //  If the boulder's distance to go has not been set.
          if (time == 0)
          //  Update the progress for the current boulder given the current time unit.
          if ((distancesToGo[i] -= (int) (boulders[i][time % boulders[i].length()] - '0')) <= 0)
            return i;  //  The boulder reached the bottom.
SpecialDay rate it discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Two:
Value 500
Submission Rate 86 / 162 (53.09%)
Success Rate 57 / 86 (66.28%)
High Score ahyangyi for 459.81 points (8 mins 33 secs)
Average Score 290.20 (for 57 correct submissions)
The inspiration for this problem came as I remembered my birthday falling on Thanksgiving one year. I decided to write a program to calculate the number of times this happened. Only later did I realize my birthday has never fallen on Thanksgiving and gets only as close as one day away. Never the less, I thought solving this kind of problem was interesting.

Ultimately, solving this problem is again simple simulation. There are a few more variables than there are in the easy, but that is only natural given this was the medium. In my code, I start with January 1, 2000 and compute through to December 31, 2100. Every time the month, day, weekday and which variables matched, the counter is incremented. As HiltonLange pointed out here, you could use date libraries; a nice benefit to this is that, if implemented correctly, your code should be less error prone. My code is below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

string weekDays[] =
string months[] =

class SpecialDay
    int howMany(string weekday, int which, string month, int day)
      int currentDay     = 0;
      int currentMonth   = 0;
      int currentWeekday = 6;
      int currentYear    = 0;
      int daysInMonth    = 0;
      int returnCode     = 0;

      for (currentYear = 2000; currentYear <= 2100; currentYear++)
        for (currentMonth = 0; currentMonth < 12; currentMonth++)
          for (currentDay = 1;
            currentDay <= (daysInMonth = DaysInMonth(months[currentMonth], currentYear));
            currentDay++, (currentWeekday = (currentWeekday + 1) % 7))
            //  Is this day a match?
            if (months[currentMonth] == month && 
              weekday == weekDays[currentWeekday] &&
              which == (currentDay / 7) + (currentDay % 7 ? 1 : 0) &&
              currentDay == day)
      return returnCode;
    int DaysInMonth(string month, int year)
      int days[] =
        31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
      int i = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
        if (month == months[i])
        return days[i] + (IsLeapYear(month, year) == true ? 1 : 0);
    bool IsLeapYear(string month, int year)
      if (month != "FEBRUARY")
        return false;
      if (year % 4)
        return false;
      if (year % 100 == 0 && year % 400)
        return false;
      return true;
SuperPasture rate it discuss it
Used as: Division One - Level Three:
Value 1000
Submission Rate 12 / 162 (7.41%)
Success Rate 4 / 12 (33.33%)
High Score ahyangyi for 699.97 points (20 mins 33 secs)
Average Score 579.18 (for 4 correct submissions)
About 10 years ago, I worked for my grandparents on their ranch. They owned a number of pastures spread out all over the county. If an adjacent pasture or small stretch of land became available my grandmother would buy it. My memory of that inspired this problem.

I saw this as a brute force problem and the constraints were low enough that timing out wasn't an issue. My code simply looped through the given pastures building super pastures. If the goodness of the super pasture warranted further examination, my code tested each pasture in the super pasture to see if removing it was valid. If removing the pasture was valid and it was the best choice so far, the pasture was cached. My code is below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

typedef struct
  int area;
  int bottom;
  int index;
  int left;
  int right;
  int top;
} Pasture;

class SuperPasture
    int whichOne(vector < string > pastures)
      int                goodness      = 0;
      int                i             = 0;
      int                j             = 0;
      int                worstGoodness = -1;
      Pasture            returnCode    = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
      vector < Pasture > parsedPastures;
      vector < Pasture > superPasture;
      vector < Pasture > tempSource;
      vector < Pasture > tempSuperPasture;            

      ParseInput(pastures, parsedPastures);

      //  Find all the super pastures.
      while (parsedPastures.size())
        superPasture.erase(superPasture.begin(), superPasture.end());
        GetSuperPasture(parsedPastures, superPasture);
        goodness = GetGoodness(superPasture);

        //  Process each super pasture as it is found.
        if (goodness >= worstGoodness)
          //  Try removing each pasture from the super pasture..
          for (i = 0; i < superPasture.size(); i++)
            //  Build temporary super pastures that can be mangled.
            tempSource.erase(tempSource.begin(), tempSource.end());
            tempSuperPasture.erase(tempSuperPasture.begin(), tempSuperPasture.end());
            for (j = 0; j < superPasture.size(); j++)

            //  Remove the pasture we are testing.
            tempSource.erase(tempSource.begin() + i);

            //  Handle the special case of the 1 pasture super pasture.
            if (tempSource.size() == 0)
              if (returnCode.index == -1 || returnCode.area > superPasture[0].area)
                returnCode = superPasture[0];
            GetSuperPasture(tempSource, tempSuperPasture);
            //  If removing the current pasture broke apart the super pasture.
            if (tempSource.size() > 0)

            //  Is this the best pasture so far?
            if (returnCode.index == -1 || worstGoodness < goodness || returnCode.area > superPasture[i].area ||
              (returnCode.area == superPasture[i].area && returnCode.index > superPasture[i].index))
              worstGoodness = goodness;
              returnCode    = superPasture[i];

          worstGoodness = goodness;                    

      return returnCode.index;

    int GetGoodness(vector < Pasture > superPasture)
      int bottom     = superPasture[0].bottom;
      int i          = 0;
      int left       = superPasture[0].left;
      int right      = superPasture[0].right;
      int sumOfAreas = superPasture[0].area;
      int top        = superPasture[0].top;

      for (i = 1; i < superPasture.size(); i++)
        if (superPasture[i].left < left)
          left = superPasture[i].left;
        if (superPasture[i].right > right)
          right = superPasture[i].right;
        if (superPasture[i].top < top)
          top = superPasture[i].top;
        if (superPasture[i].bottom > bottom)
          bottom = superPasture[i].bottom;

        sumOfAreas += superPasture[i].area;

      return ((right - left) * (bottom - top)) - sumOfAreas;

    void GetSuperPasture(vector < Pasture > &source, vector < Pasture > &destination)
      bool added = true;
      int  i     = 0;
      int  j     = 0;

      while (source.size() && added)
        added = false;
        for (i = 0; i < source.size(); i++)
          for (j = 0; j < destination.size(); j++)
            if (source[i].left == destination[j].right ||
              source[i].right == destination[j].left)
              if (source[i].top >= destination[j].bottom || source[i].bottom <= destination[j].top)
              source.erase(source.begin() + i);
              added = true;
            if (source[i].top == destination[j].bottom ||
              source[i].bottom == destination[j].top)
              if (source[i].left >= destination[j].right || source[i].right <= destination[j].left)
              source.erase(source.begin() + i);
              added = true;

          if (added)

    void ParseInput(vector < string > &pastures, vector < Pasture > &parsedPastures)
      int i = 0;

      for (i = 0; i < pastures.size(); i++)
        char     szPasture[20];
        char    *pToken          = NULL;
        int      coordinateCount = 0;
        Pasture  pasture;

        strcpy(szPasture, pastures[i].c_str());
        pToken = strtok(szPasture, " ");
        for (coordinateCount = 0; pToken; coordinateCount++)
          if (coordinateCount == 0)
            pasture.left = atoi(pToken);
          else if (coordinateCount == 1)
            pasture.right = atoi(pToken);
          else if (coordinateCount == 2)
   = atoi(pToken);
          else if (coordinateCount == 3)
            pasture.bottom = atoi(pToken);

          pToken = strtok(NULL, " ");
        pasture.area  = (pasture.right - pasture.left) * (pasture.bottom -;
        pasture.index = i;
By Uranium-235
TopCoder Member