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Coder: andresduque
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Marathon Match Competition History
Competition Rank Provisional Score Final Score Rating Volatility  
MM 131 Testing ROUND 34 64.53 65.73 1505 291 Results
Marathon Match 127 - CarRacing ROUND 33 57.33 57.70 1574 281 Results
Marathon Match 126 ROUND 21 97.22 97.57 1637 276 Results
Marathon Match 114 ROUND 38 43.82 43.47 1603 296 Results
MudLogging OCR - All Phrase Identification ROUND 1 32.42 32.01 1679 278 Results
Rodeo II Challenge: Sub-Seasonal Climate Forecasting - "prec56" 18 28.71 31.88 Results
Rodeo II Challenge: Sub-Seasonal Climate Forecasting - "temp34" 23 80.45 78.57 Results
Rodeo II Challenge: Sub-Seasonal Climate Forecasting - "prec34" 18 29.33 30.45 Results
Mud Log OCR with Google Vision ROUND 4 39.73 39.14 1574 191 Results
PAM Wind MM ROUND 5 38.96 38.54 1560 209 Results
March Madness Series: Neptune - Text Summarization Marathon Chal 4 34.14 33.28 1601 212 Results
March Madness Series: Neptune - Named Entity Recognition Challen 8 57.71 5.77 1562 218 Results
OCR Error Reducer 7 641356.77 640642.26 1557 242 Results
Marathon Match 108 28 875254.41 881072.92 1513 249 Results
Marathon Match 107 44 978198.60 986183.08 1512 276 Results
TCO19 BuildingDetector3 6 613228.12 613228.12 Results
Bugzilla ROUND 13 283304.68 282114.86 Results
RFID Locator 22 0.00 0.00 Results
TCO MM 4 53 435730.20 443399.10 1504 306 Results
DS Challenge: Use IBM Watson to Predict Customer Reviews 9 548453.61 566935.27 Results
Round 2 61 508008.13 510252.03 1536 332 Results
Silverline Media Advertisement Placement Challenge ROUND 5 996360.29 996084.31 1527 368 Results
Round 1 177 987730.62 983049.11 1407 301 Results
Marathon Match 100 98 692918.15 691417.26 1505 246 Results
Problem Statement Classification 1 231.91 1211.13 Results
Marathon Match 97 68 430681.82 440929.55 1503 273 Results
Intel Movidius 5 855131.13 855393.00 Results
Auto Cracks 11 552597.58 534366.76 Results
RoadDetector 22 100352.85 10035.29 Results
AutoTops Marathon 11 839576.33 829647.59 Results
MudLogging OCR Optimization 1 340310.08 374588.94 Results
Fishing MM 2 15 931063.43 930287.61 1584 240 Results
Morgoth's Crown 11 553767.80 55376.78 Results
Pathology Segmentation *TCO17* 35 771562.53 788773.54 1563 262 Results
Lung Cancer Round 2 *TCO17* 7 479877.34 47987.73 Results
Spacenet Round 2 *TCO17* 10 192376.74 19237.67 Results
Marathon Match 93 20 501843.54 511033.37 1573 290 Results
Connectivity Map Round 2 9 847043.68 862163.21 Results
MMRF 9 319754.18 240850.81 Results
SpaceNet Challenge 8 155022.99 151058.00 1544 316 Results
Price Predictor 18 951794.73 918630.92 1484 323 Results
Marathon Match 91 29 108142.88 120184.74 1523 348 Results
Bonus Round 4 295676.84 290047.55 Results
Round 2 2 295313.48 315523.89 Results
Master Challenge 7 543786.71 0.00 Results
Fishing MM 10 944711.39 977401.79 1548 383 Results
Email Mini MM 1450 364 Results
Round 3 50 880748.54 879734.98 1570 298 Results
Round 2 28 874133.50 862021.44 1576 331 Results
Round 1 67 593994.54 595438.15 1487 308 Results
Electronic Parts MM 33 836407.07 904338.38 1526 332 Results
Master Data Management 24 140774.18 143238.93 1588 342 Results
Round 3 49 288478.53 308975.01 1588 381 Results
Round 2 148 223550.30 227119.82 1551 417 Results
Round 1 43 71.29 1414.24 1728 238 Results
Marathon Match 86 23 95.44 478.42 1704 260 Results
Child Stuntedness 5 32 145289.07 154103.45 1671 281 Results
Trip Safety 16 212429.19 269869.84 1729 286 Results
Propeller Hunt 1 3 33822.28 30047.09 1695 311 Results
2014 TCO Marathon Round 3 76 809208.63 794192.86 1579 230 Results
OmegaDetector 9 24063.14 80823.36 Results
2014 TCO Marathon Round 2 113 29781.15 28554.34 1619 242 Results
2014 TCO Marathon Round 1 61 672169.34 671914.03 1699 205 Results
Marathon Match 82 40 792674.97 807642.23 1657 210 Results
2013 TCO Marathon Round 3 52 869257.37 875774.98 1649 235 Results
Test MM 2 16 806787.44 805300.10 Results
2013 TCO Marathon Round 2 66 79.24 1597.08 1588 227 Results
Soybean Grand Challenge 2 373009.14 348391.90 Results
2013 TCO Marathon Round 1 118 754588.43 758352.03 1574 253 Results
Marathon Match 78 37 834469.98 843102.58 1590 283 Results
2012 TCO Marathon Round 3 70 8897.70 8875.12 1590 319 Results
Treephaser 28 651790.21 652814.35 Results
DATCompression2 57 0.00 Results
DATCompression 89 16553153.93 45584026.91 Results
HMS Challenge #1 20 1952702.59 1958699.47 1610 358 Results
2011 TCO Marathon Round 2 160 32.64 328.62 1527 364 Results
Marathon Match 70 44 75.00 3681.22 1589 391 Results
2011 TCO Marathon Round 1 29 65.75 657.29 1574 444 Results
Marathon Match 67 7 76.57 740.28 1441 426 Results
Marathon Match 66 27 69.46 1413.91 1323 425 Results
Marathon Match 65 118 75.36 1510.38 1144 335 Results
Marathon Match 62 10 44.65 438.59 1261 317 Results
Marathon Match 59 203 400126.00 20140302.00 1135 292 Results
Marathon Match 58 150 25.88 238.95 1238 303 Results
AgentMatching 82 0.57 555.26 Results
Marathon Match 54 116 82.09 822.21 1267 385 Results