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schedule  Challenge

Date Registration Start
09:00 AM EDT 12:15 PM EDT
SRM 438

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Single Round Match Description
  • Maximum of 20 coders per room
  • Ratings will be adjusted post-match
  • Members will be emailed prior to the match with date and time (opt-in)
The match will feature a mixed programming language format. For each individual problem, the coder will have the option of using either Java, C++, Python, Microsoft® Visual C#® .NET or Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET to code the solution. Syntactical knowledge of all four languages will be helpful during the challenge phase of each round of competition.

Divisions and Room Assignments:
  • Members rated 1200 or better compete in Division-I
  • Members rated 1199 or lower compete in Division-II
  • Members not yet rated compete in Division-II
  • Room assignments place members of like divisions together
  • Rating changes go into effect in next participated match

Anyone who is at least 13 years of age may compete in any Single Round Match.

Click here for complete rules & regulations