for Universities

TopCrowd is the next frontier in how leading universities can teach, train, and empower students.

TopCrowd is a cutting edge platform that deepens teaching, boosts career development, strengthens partnerships, and ultimately equips your students to be more successful in meeting the challenges of our fast-changing world. Discover how TopCrowd opens up opportunities across your entire university.

We offer detailed information for the following university offices:

General: TopCrowd + Universities

Join institutions like Columbia, Stonybrook, San Diego State, Northwestern and Purdue in leveraging TopCrowd to increase student engagement.

University Employer Relations

Learn how students thrive by participating in technical challenges, while universities and businesses foster a vibrant talent pipeline.

University Career Services

Prepare your students for the demanding job market. Students build skills, perform real world tasks, and make valuable professional connections.

Academic Professors

Influence and shape the educational journey of your students while contributing to the growth of your academic department.