Challenge Summary
This is it! 30 minutes to rapidly design a user interface (UI) that conveys your thoughts and solves the design problem!
ALL TOPCODER DESIGN RULES APPLY. Entries must be your original work, and must not infringe on the copyright or licenses of others. All standard Topcoder Terms, Topcoder Policies apply to this challenge. Your design must be created by you and original to you. You are allowed to be inspired by design research, but copying and submitting someone else's designs is against Topcoder policies and will not be tolerated.
RESPECT OTHER DESIGNERS. If you have any doubts ask!
Challenge Details
The goal of this challenge is to design the look and feel of a 1 Tablet Screen.
Problem: Timezones
You and your Topcoder friends worldwide would like to have a meeting/hangout (fun virtually!), but due to different time zones, that is difficult to calculate. Create a tablet screen experience that shows the best time possible for all of you to meet and who is available to join. Design the look and feel of 1 Tablet screen, which shows the best timezone match for all participants.
- How do you show the recommended times?
- Assume AI and access to your friend's schedules.
Design & Branding Guidelines
- All open!
- Fun (think social and not business)
- Don't overthink it!
Identifying information
- DO NOT use your NAME or TOPCODER HANDLE/USERNAME in your submission
- We are only sharing the submission number during the judging process (XXXXX vs XXXXX) to the judge.
Submission Format Requirements
Tablet design
Target Audience
You and your Topcoder friends.
Judging Criteria
Your submission will be quickly judged on the following criteria:
- Good clean UI design
- Does the UX make sense
- Originality in your concept
1. Each Round is 30 minutes long
2. There will be 5 minutes extra for uploading. *IF there is an uploading issue we will accept your submission via email within a 10min window (only if there is a true uploading issue). If your submission arrives after the 40min mark - your submission will be disqualified.
3. No need to declare Fonts, Stock Art, icons, etc. (All Topcoder Rules still apply!)
4. You only need to submit your JPG/PNG files
5. No need to send your Source file (If you are asked for your source file you will need to provide it)
6. Prepare your file/folder structure early to plan for uploading
7. Have fun... do not cheat. If it seems like a bad idea, it probably is, and you will be caught
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.