Challenge Overview


Welcome to the Topcoder Appium Learning Series! We are excited to introduce another open-source technology (test automation framework) for the Topcoder Community to learn! The Topcoder Learning Series was created to help everyone become more aware of new technologies and provide guidance and education that will benefit you in future challenges and future gig opportunities. 

Appium is an open-source automation tool for running scripts and testing native applications, mobile-web applications and hybrid applications on Android or iOS using a webdriver.


Why should one learn Appium?

Appium is the next big thing in Mobile App testing and has various advantages over it’s other automation testing frameworks. Many companies nowadays use Appium in their tech stacks and thus soon or later we will have Topcoder customers looking for Appium skills in the community to get their problems solved.

  • Appium is free and open-source. Specifically designed for mobile, whereas Selenium is not designed for Mobile

  • This framework can automate test scripts for native, web and hybrid mobile apps, and you can test on a real device, a simulator, or an emulator.

  • An HTTP server creates the WebDriver sessions, thus no concerns about language. Your test script can use almost all the languages

  • Appium integrates with continuous integration servers to ensure better results.

  • Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in ‘Browser’ app on Android.

  • You don’t have to recompile your app for writing your scripts.


Challenge Prizes

Throughout the series, starting 12 Aug 2020 this challenge will be launched every week for the next 3 weeks, giving enough time to many members to get a chance to get started with Appium. Every week Top 5 valid submissions will be paid. And that top 5 submitter will not be eligible to win the prize for the next round of challenge. 

Technology Stack

- Appium (latest version)


The requirement for this challenge is simple: 

(1)  Open the given app from script.

(2)  Write the automation script for the given test case. 

For Mobile Installation file and Requirement details please go here.
If there may appear any changes in future; that will be the decision of  the PM/Copilot.

Final Submission Guidelines

Zip file with

  • Submit a screenshot or a video verification file.

  • Source code with deployment guide.


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30136911