Challenge Summary

Welcome to the "RUX - Vulcan Visual Collaboration Tool Design Challenge". In this challenge, we are looking to quickly conceptualize and design a new application meant for collaboration within a traditional factory setting. The purpose of this new collaboration tool is to create a digital experience that allows factory technicians and machine experts to be able to analyze, share and fix problems in a more efficient way. The focus of this RUX is to analyze and design the initial experiences tied to designing an application that will leverage AR Glasses (we will be using the realware glasses product) and Android Tablet devices. We are looking for concepts that have well-organized information architecture and clean (future) navigation for the user to have a seamless experience.

Let us know if you have any questions!

What is a RUX Challenge?
The RUX (Rapid User Experience) challenge uses the same format as our famous LUX Challenge except it is not "Live" at an event. The RUX Challenge Series provides you with an opportunity to show digital leaders from some of the largest companies in the world just how good your concept and user experience (UI/UX) design skills are.

RUX (Rapid User Experience) challenges are fast, fun, and have more chances for you to capture prize money!

Note: You do not need to have RUX challenge experience to join this challenge - Just jump in and give it a try! Make sure to follow the challenge details, the challenge forum and ask questions.
Full Description & Project Guide
Background information
Vulcan is a company that is implementing new technologies and digital transformation within their factories and plants. One of the items we want to focus on is this “collaboration tool” that will digitally enable a global network of machine/technical experts, to remotely assist maintenance technicians on the factory floor with troubleshooting and resolving machine/robotics issues. (think crowdsourcing employee expert talent to fix the machines).

RUX Challenge Timeline and Rolling Checkpoint
- Submission Start: Saturday, 12/08/2018 at 08:00 AM EST
- Rolling Checkpoint Start: Sunday, 12/09/2018 at 20:00 PM EST
- Submission End: Tuesday, 12/11/2018 at 08:00 AM EST

We are offering 5 Prizes Placements
1) 1st Placement: $2000
2) 2nd Placement: $1500
3) 3rd Placement: $1000
4) 4th Placement: $750
5) 5th Placement: $500
- Plus 8 placements for Rolling Checkpoint prizes @ $50 each!
Note: Important Rolling Checkpoint Details
- High-Def and adroc will answer questions and provide Rolling Feedback as fast as possible.
- You must watch the Forum for your feedback!
*All initial qualifying checkpoint submissions will win $50 (Only 8 potential submissions)

User Personas
Factory Maintenance Technician - Machine "fixers" who need their hands free to perform their jobs. They wear an AR headset (we will use the realwear glasses product) which acts as a HUD (heads up display) that provides necessary information and data on the machinery. They need their hands free to operate and fix the machines. The Factory technician will be reaching out and asking for assistance from the expert network as part of this collaboration tool.

AR realwear Headset ( is a hands-free tool based on an Android OS for industrial workers.  It is a head-mounted to improve efficiency and productivity of mobile workers in hazardous environments. See this link for the glasses detail information. 

Machine/Technical Experts - Our company experts who work globally and remotely away from the factories that they monitor. They are there to support the technicians with any machine issues. The devices they use is primarily tablets (as they will be mobile). 

This collaboration tool will look to "assign the best talent and available talent" to the situation. They can be anywhere in the world so the collaboration tool will also provide a real-time voice translation. The experts might use different language from the technician but the collaboration tools should have the capability to translate the language real time for both of them. See this video to get more idea/information about real-time voice translation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Vulcan has upwards of 150 factories around the worlds, a technician who receives help today can be an expert that is helping someone else tomorrow. This is an important contextual element and key to "collaboration". It is important because an expert has their own routine and work within the factory they support.

Required Screen Features
01) Factory Maintenance Technician (AR Realtime Headset/Glasses - Landscape view)
- The realwear headset is the tool that the technician uses to gather information on the machinery that they are looking to fix. Think of it as Google glasses, which provides a Heads Up Display (HUD) for factory workers. This specific technology is android based and replaces the touch screen with an articulated micro-display, giving the appearance of a 7-inch tablet screen. See “wireframes-1-AR-Glasses.jpg” about the glasses appearance.

- Using this headset, the technician should be able to see and access real-time data on the machinery in the Vulcan factory hands-free, all interaction to the collaboration tool will using voice service control because they will need both hands-frees to be able to work/fixing the machine. See this video to get more ideas on how the voice service control works in this glasses.

- They can access blueprints and troubleshooting steps from the Machine/Technical Experts

- Show vital machine statistics that the operator needs to monitor and continue to run smoothly.  Some examples of vitals are Leaks/Levels, Temperature, Torque, Pressure, etc.  (Please see “wireframes-2-sensor.jpg” and  “wireframes-3-dashboard.jpg” for domain references) 

- If there is an issue: 
1) The technician will be able to put in a request for additional help from an expert. The collaboration tool will remotely connect them to the best option (based on the type of machine, skill, availability, and location). They should have the option to interact remotely or access someone who is local to physically come to the factor
2) They have the option to trigger an SOS that will send their request directly to the Vulcan command center. This is for emergency situations.

- The technician will be able to send and receive all information (photos, videos) to the Expert through the AR headset. The technician can show the expert the machine condition (user our images reference for this), for example, the expert asking the technician to "Show which valve to loose" or "Sensor readings overlaid on the machine" and the technician can show it real time via photos or video through the AR glasses. See this video on how this thing should work in the real world.

- Important: The Technician and Expert should be able to work together on the machine in an AR (augmented reality) way. Explore this.

02) Machine/Technical Expert View (Tablet - Portrait View)
- The ability to access information about any of the machines in any of the Vulcan factories. 

- Realize this is an expanded and more in-depth view. So think about what the expert might need in their experience that helps their workflow. 

- They will be able to see IOT device information: Leaks/Levels, Temperature, Torque, Pressure, etc. (Please see “wireframes-2-sensor.jpg” and  “wireframes-3-dashboard.jpg”) 

- They can view the overall health and efficiency of any of the machines within the factories.

- Should have the ability to access the camera on the technician's headset to view from their perspective.

- Can send/receive photos and videos to the technician

- Has the ability to communicate with the technician with audio, video, and text (chat) communication.

- Audio will use real-time voice translation for communication globally. So, it doesn’t matter what language the experts and technician using, it will be translated real time to their native language. See this video to get more idea/information about real-time voice translation.

- The expert should be able to do a remote connection to the machine, Expert connects to machine IP, works on the Command Line, PLC config etc and while he is doing it participants of the session can see it (Technician can see it on the AR glasses)

- Important Note: We will see more of the "collaboration" tool from the Tablet device view (and history of collaboration). Realize we are focused on the initial two users and the tool will be explored more in the future challenges.

03) Additional Features
- As a designer any additional thoughts or features you would like to showcase?

04) Presentation Screen - 1920x1080 (16:9 Ratio)
- In a RUX challenge, this screen is the way to showcase your concept so keep it simple and make it look good!
- If you were walking into a meeting and needed to sell your idea - use this screen to showcase your concept.

Important Concepts to be captured in this challenge
1) Hands-free
2) AR (augmented reality) enabled
- Show me which valve is loose
- Sensor readings overlaid on the machine
3) Real-time voice translation
4) Remote connection to the machine
- Expert connects to machine IP, works on the Command Line, PLC config etc and while he is doing it participants of the session can see it.
- A technician can see it on the AR glass. 

Branding Guidelines
- Follow our branding guidelines for fonts, colors, and style 
- Think about target users and type of devices that they will be wearing (glasses and tablet)
- Avoid contrasts that are too hard and too light
- Futuristic UI's are okay! This is color, icons, the voice services (control and translation) is critical to helping the user quickly get answers. 

- Branding Guidelines
- Plant and Machine Images References (Use these as images for the plant and machines in your design)
- Wireframes (Use this only as domain reference! DO NOT COPY the layout)

Screen Sizes (Important!!)
- AR Glasses and Tablet: 1024px width and 600px height:
- Factory Maintenance Technician: Horizontal/Landscape using voice/sound interaction (Glasses)
- Machine/Technical experts: Vertical/Portrait using touchscreen interaction (tablet)
- Use grid systems for your layout

Marvel Prototype
- We need you to upload your screens to
- Please request for your MarvelApp prototype in the respective thread in the forum (or) send your request to
- You MUST include your MarvelApp URL (in your marvel app prototype, click on share and then copy the link & share it with your notes/comment this link while you upload).

Judging Criteria
Your submission will be judged on the following criteria:
- Overall idea and execution of concepts
- How well does your design align with the objectives of the challenge and the persona's
- Your overall design and user experience
- Cleanliness of screen design and user flow

Target Audience
- Factory Maintenance Technician
- Machine/Technical experts 

Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
- Submit JPG/PNG image files based on the Challenge submission requirements stated above
- MarvelApp link for review and to provide feedback
Source Files
All source files of all graphics created in either Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, XD or Sketch and saved as an editable layer

Final Fixes
This RUX might have final fixes

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and “Final Fixes” (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.


Topcoder Open 2019

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

  • Layered PSD files created in Adobe Photoshop or similar
  • AI files created in Adobe Illustrator or similar
  • Sketch
  • XD

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit


ID: 30076476