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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

In Signator Project we develop a new Compensation Statement Report solution for John Hancock.

In the challenge forum you will find the following assets:
- Virtual Machine (VM) with Solaris OS and Oracle DB, that emulates client's environment (beware: it is ~9Gb download);
- Data Extraction Script (NodeJS), that can be executed against the VM to extract from the database data that should be included into a report.
- Compenstation Statement Report Prototype; which is Angular application, with a special build setup, that packs entire webapp (data / styles / html) into a single HTML file. IMPORTANT: This is the final goal of the project: generated report should be a single HTML file, that works autonomously (once fetched to a user device, in form of a single document, it should work in browser without a need of network connection).

Your goal in this challenge is to integrate Data Extraction Script with the Compensation Statement Report Prototype, so that we are able to execute a single command and get as the output a single HTML file with the report containing real data fetched from the database, embed into the HTML report document. You will find some additional details in the challenge forum.

As usual, in case of any doubts, do not hesitate to ask questions in the challenge forum. In case you find any defects in the data extraction scripts, fixing them is in scope of the challenge. We can tolerate some defects in otherwise a good solution, provided that you clearly document what is missing in your implementation.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit the code of your solution, along with:
- Updated documentation, that explains current functionality, and the report generation;
- In case you find on the way that some of the data necessary for the report are missing, include additional document, that specifies, in all details, what data are missing.
- A brief verification video.


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30066134