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Challenge Overview

Topcoder is working hard on a massive update of our belowed community platform. In this challenge you will take care about Submission Page(s): design and functionality of submission page is different for design and development challenges, however you are encouraged to reuse as much common code for these two cases, as possible. Development will be done in our Community App repository, starting from the latest commit in develop branch (179cc1bbc9cc5a6bd8b22fd0e2c45d046b957011 at the moment of writing); you should follow our Coding Standards for this app.

Design specifications are here. All screens are in scope, both desktop (top priority) and mobile layouts. For underlying code logic and APIs you can check Topcoder App repo (contains code for the current production version of design submission page, which is close to the target design, however there are some differences), and TC Site repo (contains current production version of development submission page). For you reference you will also find in the challenge forum links to the specs of Topcoder API v2 and v3. If you see that some of the existing functionality in this pages is done using API v2, but the same can be done using API v3, please replace by API v3 way.

As usually, do not hesitate to rise any questions in the challenge forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit Git patch for Community App, brief verification instructions and demo video.


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30059412