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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

You all know, Topcoder is awesome, though others may not believe you, should they encounter bugs and glitches at our community's website. It is in our best interests to hunt those bugs down, to keep all visitors impressed. This way we'll help to ensure that our community grows, money flows, and everybody enjoys. Hence, the very important Bug Bash.


1. This challenge itself is created for outreach purposes only. All action will be coordinated through Please, subscribe youself to notifications from this repo to participate in this Bug Bash.

2. Select an issue labled BugBash - OPEN FOR PICKUP to work on at Don't pick-up multiple issues at the same time!

3. Self-assign youself to the issue and remove the BugBash - OPEN FOR PICKUP label (if you don't have enough permissions to do this, ask in the issue ticket itself).

4. Fork any repositories related to the issue, follow instructions in the ticket, work from the latest commit in the development branch. Provide access to birdofpreyru to your forked repos.

5. Once ready, create a pull request, and label the original issue ticket with the BugBash - READY FOR REVIEW label.

6. From this moment you may pick-up the next issue and start working on it, but if any problems are detected with your previous pull request, fixing them will be the top priority.

7. Don't hold an issue ticket for too much time if you can't fix it in 24 hours. If an issue demands more time to be fixed, comment in the ticket, otherwise de-assign youself from the ticket and label it back with the BugBash - OPEN FOR PICKUP label.

8. If you happen to know any issue with the Topcoder site, which is not in the list of issues to fix, please create a new issue (without adding any labels to it). We will review and include valid issues into the Bug Bash. Feel free to mention, if you would like to fix that issue yourself. In that case, if the issue is accepted, you'll be assigned to fix it right away, without letting other members to pick it up before you.


The $200 bonus will be awared to the member who earns the largest amount of money participating in this Bug Bash.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submissions will be done in form of pull requests to the relevant repositories. Please, clearly mention in the title of your commits and PRs the ID of issues you they are fixing, and briefly tell in the body of the commit/PR comment, what exactly have been done, and how it can be tested.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30056206