Update Forms to be OCR Compatible

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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Update Forms to be OCR Compatible contest. As part of this contest, you will update an existing form to be OCR Compatible.


This contest will use the Subjective Review scorecard. The review will be carried out by our client.


Contest Details

Our client has a form where users enter their information. To save time and help expedite claim processing, our client would like their claim forms to be processed using OCR technology. The type of information entered in the forms isn’t of concern here but how the information is entered - manually where the user fills ups the form by writing into it. Due to this, our client is facing issues processing these forms as their OCR software is unable to accurately identify the user’s handwritings and thus, is unable to convert the filled forms to its digital version.


The easiest way out of this would be to instruct the users to clearly fill up the forms and use block letters with proper spacing between the letters but apparently, the user’s do not follow the instructions well.


Thus, our client wants to leverage the crowd and seek out solutions that could greatly improve the read rate of their OCR software. The tasks of this contest is really simple:

1. Go through the link provided in the contest forum describing the best practices to follow when designing forms meant to be processed with OCR software
2. Check out our client’s form - you need to correct the non filled form. We have also provided a filled form (different version) to give you an idea of how the users actually fill up forms.
3. Also check out another form that is OCR compatible. You can use the design of this form to update our client’s form with the same principles.


Points To Note

- All fields and text must be present in the OCR-compatible form. Minor modifications are allowed such as rearranging the form fields.

- You need to provide a barcode in the form so that the form can be easily identified. The value can be found in the bottom left of the form - BN-708-0816. Convert this to a barcode and include it in the form at a suitable position.

- The signature area need not be OCR-compatible. The client will identify that as an image and not as a text. Provide a significantly large area for the user to sign.

- When adding boxes for each character for the user to fill them up, use a reasonable length for the fields. For example, first name can be of 20 letters / boxes.

- We will share some links in the contest forum that will guide you on the best practices to follow when creating OCR compatible forms. Please check them out.


Final Submission Guidelines

We will share a word doc of the existing form. You need to update the form to make it OCR compatible. Add the barcode too in it. Submit both the document and the PDF version of the updated form.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30055497