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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Hercules Support Web Application contest. As part of this contest, you will implement certain additional features in an existing AngularJS application.


Project Overview

The web application will be a functional clone of an existing iOS application. This application will be used by the client’s store personnel to support customers. Users can look up customer accounts to provide up-to-date information and support.

The application is supported by an existing API and uses OAuth for user authentication.


Contest Details


We currently have a barebones AngularJS application written in ES6. We need you to add certain features to the application, the details of which are present as tickets in Gitlab in the repository hosting the source code. For this contest, we would like you to implement the Bill Compare page.


You will find more information in the Gitlab ticket, the link for which will be shared in the contest forum.


Please ensure that there are no lint errors. Please also ensure that you follow the existing conventions used in the app. Our app makes use of Material Design.


You have your work simplified for you since the services to make the HTTP / API requests are already in place. We will share the prototype for the new features that you need to implement in the app.


Additionally, some of the features may already be in the app. They only need to be styled correctly based on the prototype.


Please ensure that you use ES6.


You need to verify that your submission works in:

- IE11

- Latest Chrome Browser

- Latest Safari Browser

- Latest Firefox Browser

- Latest Safari browser on the iPad

Final Submission Guidelines

1. Fork the repository and work off the branch mentioned in the contest forum

2. Once you are done, upload your submission to topcoder

3. The winner will be asked to create a pull request


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30055340