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Challenge Overview

Challenge Overview

Welcome to "John Hancock - CrowdSourcing Services Website Front End Functional  Prototype Challenge". Recently, we finished the UI prototype contest for the front-end and code contest for the backend.  In this contest, we are looking for you to help us to use the current prototype and backend and make the prototype functional.

The purpose of this project  is to develop a responsive website to share information about Crowdsourced projects with John Hancock employees and vendor partners. The website will streamline retrieval and presentation of information relating to crowdsourced projects. The website should display correctly on desktop, laptop, iOS and Android devices (both horizontal and vertical orientation). Please note that the website will be accessible only to JH employees and Vendor partners within the John Hancock network.  

Platforms and Technologies

HTML/HTML5, CSS3, D3, Angular.js, Bootstrap, JSON, JavaScript

Important Expectations:

- Use Angular.js for functions.
- You MUST make sure all graphics remain intact.
- Challenge winner will be responsible to fix any issues we found or exists on existing Code after updated based on this challenge spec.
- For graph and map libraries, you are NOT allowed to change from what is used. You need to use the provided real data and computations that you implement to display information on map and graphs.

Please maintain the overall look and feel of the UI prototype.

Following are the min-width requirements for each version:

a.) Desktop: 1024px width
b.) Tablet: 768px width
c.) Mobile: 640px width

Challenge Details

Complete details for the challenge are available in forums in Documents Section. You will be able to access it once your register for the contest.


Client Priorities (The items that are considered highest prototype priorities)

- Creating quality and efficient code that works in all the requested browsers.
- Please give special attention to Search performance.
- Please give special attention to Response time and Display time.
- All elements should be consistent, pay attention to padding, margin, line-height, etc.

Browsers Requirements

- Chrome Latest Browser
- Safari Latest Browser
- Firefox Latest Browser
- IE 11 and above
- Chrome, Firefox and Safari on iPad (Landscape & Portrait View)
- Android Browser


Final Submission Guidelines

- Please attach your code as a ZIP file in OR.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30055252