Topcoder User Registration and Login Test Suite

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Project Overview

This challenge should develop automatic test suties for by selenium.

Competition Task Overview

This challenge should use Selenium to develop automatic test cases for following scenarios:

Registration scenario:
A) To verify all links on the Sign Up pop up redirects correctly
1. Hit url :
2. Click the sign up button
3. Click the link "terms of service" (expected 1)
4. Click the link "privacy policy" (expected 2)

Expected Results    
1. Page should redirect to "Terms & Conditions of Use at [topcoder]" page
2. Page should redirect to privacy policy page

B) To verify registration page field validations
1. Go to '' 
2. Click on signup button on the top right corner. 
3. Without providing any inputs click Sign Up. (expected 1)
4. Now enter various values for first name and check that correct error message is displayed. (expected 2)
5. Enter correct value for first name. (expected 3)
6. Perform same checks for last name field also as in the steps 4 and 5.
7. Select a country. (expected 3)
8. Enter various values for email and check that correct error message is displayed. (expected 4)
9. Enter correct email which is not already registered. (expected 3)
10.Enter various values for password and check that correct error message is displayed. (expected 5)
11.Enter correct value for password. (expected 6)
12.In the Password Confirmation textbox, enter a value which does not matches the value entered for password previously. (expected 7)
13.Enter the correct value for password in the Password Confirmation textbox. (expected 3)
14.Do not check the checkbox for agreeing to the terms of service and privacy policy. (expected 8)
15.Now check this checkbox and error message should disappear.

Expected Results    
1.) Field validation messages should be displayed for all the fields, i.e. Required field.
2.) Values and expected error messages:
    - Verify the maximum no. of characters the textbox can take. Maximum length is 64 characters.
        - abc&$$ : First Name contains invalid characters.    
        - ...... : First Name cannot consist solely of punctuation.
        - abc766.... : First Name is invalid. 
3.) A green color check mark should appear.
4.) Values and expected error messages:
    - abc&jkj : Invalid email address.
    - Enter an already registered email id : Email already in use.
5.) Values and expected error messages:
    - abcd : Password strength is weak
    - abcd' : Password cannot contain an apostrophe.
    - abcd$ : Password must be between 7 and 30 characters.
    - <space><space> : Password must not contain only spaces.
6.) A green color check mark should appear and message should display saying 'Strong'.
7.) Message should display saying 'Password confirmation different from above field'.
8.) Message should display saying 'You must agree to the terms'.

Login scenario:
A) To verify login page field validations 
1. Go to '' 
2. Click on signup button on the top right corner. 
3. Without providing any inputs click Sign Up

Expected Results    
Field validations should be displayed for all the fields, i.e. 'Please input your username' and 'Please input your password'

B) To verify non activated user won't be able to login to topcoder account and only activated user is able to login
Pre-condition : topcoder account must be registered but not active

1. Hit url :
2. Click login
3. Enter topcoder credentials in the topcoder account section
4. Click login(expected 1)
5. Now activate the account from the registration activation email
6. Once activated, login to topcoder account(expected 2)
Expected Results    
1. User should get a message page saying 'Account Inactive
Your account is not active. Please activate your account from the link in the welcome email.' 
2. User should now be able to login to topcoder account sucessfully. 

C) To verify browser remembers the users username value if 'remember me' is checked
1. Hit url :
2. Click login
3. Provide username and password and check "Remember me"
4. Click Login
5. Once login click logout and close the browser
6. Reopen same browser and hit url :
7. Click login and try entering same username
Expected Results    
Browser should remember the previous matching username

Please see the sample test suite format in the attached spreadsheet.

The developer should run the tests and fill the test result column in the provided spreadsheet and describe the fail reason.

Spreadsheet driven test suite

This test suite should be spreadsheet driven test suite. The java code should red the test steps from the spreadsheet and execute it via Selenium Web Driver.

Please refer to the attached spreadsheet 'Sample_SpreadSheet.xlsx' . Here, the column Action contains the names of the methods/functions that need to be called to perform a particular action. Column 'Objects/Fields' contains the object on which the action need to be performed. The identifiers to locate these objects are specified in the sheet'Local Object Repository'. Column 'Associated Data Column' contains some data value that the method may require. 

Technical Requirements

The common methods should be put in Helper class so it can be reused by other test suites. e.g. access topcoder api, login (many test suites need user to login first), retrieve data from list, etc.

Technology Overview

  • Java
  • Selenium

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Source Code
  • Test Result
  • Steps to run the test suites


2015 topcoder Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30046141