Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

In this challenge, we will explore the capability of IBM Watson services. We would like to perform bios/applications scanning, pattern matching, language translation, gauging personal insights and emotions using Watson - Empathy and Language Services.  

Idea: As we know that for university courses, applications floods the colleges and they are stuck with sorting out them in short time. This application should categorize applications in different categories to choose from and help in initial screening. E.g. Great match, average match, no match or percentage matching against set parameters.

Scenario: Applicant will send his application in text format, containing his bio data, reference letters, write-up about him, any documents related to him. And, this app should be able to help the end user in screening these applications/ bios against user defined parameters.


Challenge Prizes

This challenge is part of the Topcoder Cognitive Community challenge series, however there are cash prizes.  You will also win Cognitive points toward the leaderboard and the leader at the end of the challenge series wins an all expenses paid trip to TCO 18.

Every passing submission gets Cognitive Points. A submission should implement all the requirements of the challenge to receive points.
1st place: 500pts
2nd place: 350pts
3rd place+: 100pts


  1. If you have not already, go to  and click the Join the Topcoder Cognitive Community Button. Fill out the registration form and confirm your email address.

  2. Go to the challenge forum and follow the thread on How to Setup or Extend your Bluemix Trial Account.  Doing so will give you a Bluemix account without requiring you to enter your credit card information. Even if you did this on the last challenge, do it again to extend your free trial further for this challenge.

  3. Create a GitHub account if you don’t have one, and log in.


  1. Build a simple application in the language of your choice, as long as it can be deployed to Bluemix.

  2. Prediction using Watson Empathy services - Tone Analyzer and Personal Insights –



  1. Translate documents using Watson – Language Translator -

  2. Provide a simple UI that is self-explanatory in how to use your system.

[Optional Step] Fork this Bluemix Starter Pack to your own GitHub Repo:
This starter pack helps you get your project to Bluemix faster!


  1. Provide a simple UI to use your application. UI should contain a simple page containing 3 different areas -

  • File Select Area, where a user can select up to 5 files of his choice as inputs.
  • 2nd area where user can set his selection criteria, entering few keywords he is looking in applicants. Use technical as well as emotional keywords. Take hint from as well as Tone Analyzer API outcomes.  
  • Result area, which shows translated documents to a language supported by Watson and preferred by the end user, as well as show percentage match between uploaded files and set criteria. E.g. Great match, average match, no match or a percentage matching against set parameters.
  1. System should be able to detect the text language of input documents and allow user to translate them into set of language supported by Watson, and translate it using Watson - Language Translator.

  2. In result area, try publishing the following information using any of the below two services of Watson:

  • Using Tone Analyzer - Emotions, Language Style and Social Tendencies of applicant.
  • Personality insights of that person using Watson - Personality Insights.
  • Keywords Matching - Use Watson - Retrieve and Rank service to surface relevant information.
  • E.g., Technical keywords - Data Science, Topcoder, Harvard, Masters, Management etc.
  • E.g. Non-Technical Keywords - Less emotional, Curious, Open, Helping etc.

Note: Participants are expected to use at least two Watson services from above choices of Tone Analyzer, Personality Insights and Retrieve and Rank services.

  1. Attached to this challenge is an example header you can use. You will not be critiqued on the design of your UI, only the functionality surfaced in it.

  2. Follow the deployment instructions to deploy to your own Bluemix Account with the url format: tc-<yourhandle>

NOTE: If you’re creating this application in such a way as you have the frontend and backend as deployed separate applications to bluemix, your URLs should be as such:

UI:     tc-<yourhandle>

API:     tc-<yourhandle>


Example DEMO Application On Bluemix

A comprehensive demo application is available at the following link.

Final Submission Guidelines

  1. Deploy your application to your own Bluemix instance.

  2. Upload a .zip containing your source code and a text file called bluemix-deployment.txt.  This .txt file should contain the URL defined above for us to test.

  3. You can use any programming language to build the application, as long it’s supported by Bluemix, has an api, provides a UI, and meets the spec criteria.

  4. Please provide a link to a demo video of your application in action. Unpublished Youtube link is fine.


Review Guidelines

Since this is a fun, educational challenge, but also includes some creativity, the reviewer will be subjectively judging:

  1. If your UI is intuitive and usable without much instruction

  2. If you used and 2 services out of Personality Insights, Tone Analyzer & Retrieve and Rank service and they are useful in your application.

  3. If you used any other Watson Service


2018 Topcoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30059812