Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to IBM Cognitive ChatBot - Assembly F2F challenge! In a series of recent challenges we have developed a ChatBot, based on IBM Watson Conversation Service, along with the backend and frontend prototypes for it. The aim of this challenge is to assemble all these pieces together, ensuring that they can be smoothly deployed to IBM Bluemix, and the deployment procedure is well-documented.

1. You will find links to all three developed pieces of IBM ChatBot here:
2. It is expected that ChatBot backend and frontend stay as separate apps deployed to IBM Bluemix (because we may want to re-use the same backend for working with different front-ends in future, thus the server serving the frontend should not be mixed with the backend); but you are responsible to make any modiciations necessary that they smoothly work together as expected.
3. You should update docs for each piece of the solution, where necessary, and also provide a master deployment instruction as a separate document. No need to copy-paste pieces of docs devoted to the separate ChatBot pieces, but that general deployment doc should walk the user through deployment of all ChatBot pieces, with appropriate references to the docs of chatbot components, and configuring them to work together.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a .zip file which contains three pieces of the ChatBot (backend / frontend / ChatBot itself) and the master deployment guide.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30058136