Topcoder - Update Review Assignment Component

Key Information

Status: ‌Cancelled failed review

Challenge Overview

Previously, reviewers for all challenges applied to be a reviewer and were assigned automatically by the platform. The auto-assignment is performed by the review assignment application.

We are currently taking a better look at the review application and assignment process in order to improve it. So, we would like to modify the review assignment app in order to make it configurable so we can turn it on/off for the various challenge types and review types.

For this new feature, we'd like to update class

1. Update configuration for class so we can specify review auction categories and the project category ids enabled for this. 
2. If this configuration is not present, the functionality is unchanged.
3. If the configuration is present, it will filter by the auction categories configured, don't do review assignment for others.  For searchOpenAuctions fuction, it will provide addtional parameter - projectCategeoryIds.

List<ReviewAuction> searchOpenAuctions(long auctionCategoryId, List<Long> projectCategoryIds)

4. Unit Tests should be updated properly for this component.


Final Submission Guidelines

- Code Changes for this feature
- Unit Tests for the new feature
- Updated documentation (Review_Assignment_Component_Specification.pdf and Review_Assignment_Component_Specification.rtf)


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30055074