Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The MESH01 mobile app is continuing to evolve.  We recently added the Profile pages.  It works well in a browser and on Android devices, but we're encountering an error on iOS devices.

The error message is "10 $digest() iterations reached".  You can see this error pop up in the debugger javascript console quite often.  The usual result is simply that you must click the button/tab again to execute the function.  On the Profile page, though, when you click the Update button this error occurs and the app fails, sending you back to the login page.  That makes it a critical issue to fix!

The source code and login can be found in the forums.  This is an Ionic app.  To run it first make sure you have all the dependencies installed (via npm).  Then:

  • Run 'ionic state reset' to install the plugins and platforms.
  • To run in your browser simply execute 'ionic serve'
  • To run it on Android connect your device and run 'gulp' and then 'ionic run android'
  • To run it on iOS connect your device and run 'gulp' then 'ionic build ios'.  Then open up the project in XCode, choose your target device, and Run.


Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a zip containing only your changed files.

Format your code the same as it is in the existing files.  Use spaces for tabs.  Do not hardcode styles.  Do not add new javascript files.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


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ID: 30052264