Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Fun Challenge Hackathons and another opportunity to win a limited edition t-shirt!

The way it will work:

- This Hackathon will last a full month so that those with jobs will have time to participate if they wish.

- All participants will be given the same two APIs and a theme.  Developers will then create an application using any APIs they wish, but the two APIs mentioned in the contest MUST be used in order to have a valid submission.

- A panel of judges will review all submissions and pick the winners based off of the judging criteria found to the right.

Please utilize the forums if you find that you are lost or if you have any questions about the challenge at all.  The link to the forums are on the top right of this page ("Challenge Discussion").  Once you press that link, make sure to press “Watch Forum” on the top right of that page so that you will get the latest updates to your inbox.


On to the show!

APIs you must use:  Instagram and HP Idol OnDemand

Theme: Concert App

This month we are going to see who can build the most interesting, innovative, and cool concert app!  That person will win the title of Hackathoner of the Month as well as receive a limited edition gold Hackathon winner t-shirt.

What you need to do

- Build an app!  This app can be in any format you wish, whether it be iOS, Android, or even a webapp.

App must include the two APIs mentioned above.

- Record a 1-2 minute video and post it on youtube.  You will submit the link to this video in a file along with a link to your repository (preferably github).

Need help getting started?

Feel free to check out this hackathon starter kit, which is a boilerplate for node.js web apps.  Check out the README file that contains step by step instructions with how to set yourself up with each of these APIs.  It is not required to use this starter kit, but it is here if you need it.


Oh, did I not mention what the top 3 winners would receive?  Although this is a fun challenge and meant for learning, we feel like we need to give out something pretty neat for these great apps.  So, without any further ado, we are announcing fun new prizes for the Hackathon Fun Challenges where 2nd and 3rd place will receive a rare grey “2015 Hackathon Winner” t-shirt and the 1st place winner will receive a gold color “2015 Hackathon Winner” t-shirt.  Remember, these challenges take place monthly, so there will only be 12 gold shirts given out in a year!  So remember to compete hard and compete often to get your hands on this super rare topcoder t-shirt and show it off proudly!


Final Submission Guidelines

Submission for this competition is very simple and must be completed exactly in order to have a valid submission.  

- Your textfile should be named <your topcoder handle>_hackathon1.txt, so for example my textfile would be named nick.castillo_hackathon1.txt

- In this textfile should be two links.  

--- One link will be to your github code

--- The other link will be to a youtube or vimeo video in which you are showing off your application.  

If you need help figuring out which url you should be using, click here to view the document explaining what we are expecting to see.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30051592