Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Challenge Overview

IBMers will use the app when they are with a client and start discussing about the “IoT” (Internet of Things). IoT being a new concept in the market, no one is sure about its currency, relevance and application to the scope.

Users of this app help clients answer a few questions about their organization's IoT readiness. The IBMer then can share the results with the client and shows him IoT maturity of his organization and how it compares against the larger industry.

In this challenge we are going to implement the backend service, the storyboard is provided in the forum for you to understand the app workflow. The app should work in both iOS and Android

Challenge Task

1. write a JS to convert the xml files under config to JSON config files(the xml is easy for client to edit, for backend service, it is more effecient to use JSON directly.)

2. set up with cordova-app-loader, we need all the config files could be auto-updated in the client side.

 1) make the config files could be downloaded through http (copy from the generated ones to public folder when start up)
 2) generate the menifest.json file when start up

3. implement the service defined in the REST_API.doc
  1) assess
    refer to config/1/Assessment.xml, score will compared with the value of "industry" attribute of each "demension", and recommendation are calcualted according to the score range of each assessment.
    generate report PDF based on the template.
    send the report PDF to user.
    if the user agrees to store the assessment, save it into mongodb

Technology Requirements

1. Open source third party libraries are allowed. Any libraries that are not open source are not allowed. Prior to use of any library or framework, please get confirmation in the forum.

Technology Stack

- Bluemix
- Nodejs
- Express
- MongoDB

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Nodejs app code that could be deployed to Bluemix.
  • A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy and verify the backend service including configuration information.


2016 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30051315