April 3, 2015 What's New at Topcoder: April 3, 2015

The last few months were full of improvements and new processes — especially for the data science track. We’ve outlined the latest changes below.

Website & Platform Updates

  • New Data Science homepage: We’ve revamped the Data Science homepage which should now help you get to important areas quickly and easily. Arenas, SRM calendars, the active marathon match list, tutorials and editorials are all within easy reach.
  • New home for Data Science tutorials: Tutorials have been moved to the new Topcoder site and all tutorial forums are now linked back to the correct articles. Tutorial forums were moved out of the News & Events forum area and into their own category here for easier browsing.

Process & Challenge Updates

  • TCO15: Some very important announcements were made about TCO15.
  • Changes to Software Design Digital Run: We are working on ways to revamp the software architecture track to more closely align it with what clients want in architecture challenges today. Since the volume is down, we are removing the DR floor from Software Design and using that money to fund other community initiatives.
  • “Fun” Marathon Matches are back! We launched our first “for fun” MM on Feb 23rd and we’re planning more for the months to come. We’ll announce more information soon!
  • SRM forums are now being created after each match to encourage discussions around the problems. You can view all match discussions in this forum category.
  • Match reminders: We are now sending a reminder/announcement of each upcoming SRM in a weekly newsletter prior to registration. Be sure to mark your calendars!

Community Updates

  • Forums have been revamped: We’ve archived old topics, created new ways for you to give feedback and added new design forums for our designers!

Discuss this news update in the forums.


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