April 6, 2017 Topcoder's Challenge Listings Page Gets a Makeover

Finding the right challenge for you on our site can sometimes be a challenge in itself.  Which challenges utilize the technologies I know?  Which ones are still available to participate in?  Why is looking through challenges on my mobile device difficult?
Sure it is easy enough to scroll through all of the challenges and explore each one, but we have made it even easier now to search for the challenge that suits you best!

Top 5 New Features – Challenge Listings Page

1) Buckets

See everything going on at once. The top level page is “bucketed”, so you can see what’s open for registration, ongoing challenges, your challenges, past challenges.

2) Details

By simply mousing over certain areas, you can discover more details about the timeline, prize amount, or even an explanation of the challenge type.

3) Quick Sort

Quickly sort by things like time left to register, time left in current phase, recently posted challenges, prize amounts, etc.

4) Filtering

Easily filter between Design, Development, and Data Science, search terms, challenge types, and keywords

8) Mobile

Search for challenges on the go! Responsive design for mobile support.

nick castillo

Community Operation Manager


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