The Cognitive Community
Have you heard of the Cognitive Community at Topcoder yet?
The Topcoder Cognitive Community is designed to help you develop the Cognitive technology skills you need for the jobs of tomorrow. Get access to informational resources, participate in fun challenges, and exchange tips with fellow designers & developers around the world.
There are also some cool rewards and programs that go along with the Cognitive Community.
First off, you can win a trip to the 2017 Topcoder Open! The competitor at the top of the Cognitive leaderboard as of September 1, 2017 will win a trip to the TCO17 Finals to experience the event. If you’re not on the leaderboard yet, a new challenge (note: registration opens April 5th, 9 AM EDT) has just launched so get on it!
The Cognitive Community is also looking for some Campus Ambassadors in India. We are looking for self-motivated students located in India that have an interest in Cognitive Computing and would create a community at their campus. Learn more here.
So if you haven’t signed up yet, do so today. Having new, innovative skills is a no brainer!