April 21, 2020 TALENT TRENDS Spotlight – PART 2

Welcome back to our series exploring the 7 Talent Trends Driving the Future of Work. (Read part 1 here). Topcoder’s new Ebook delves into seven key trends shaping the workforce today, and what the revolution means for businesses and employers in the future. 

In Part 2, we’re looking more closely at one of those important trends:


The speed of technological advancement has caused a skills gap among workers. More than half of businesses report difficulty finding and retaining talent with the right skills and experience. Fast-paced innovation makes this a difficult problem to get ahead of, in that you can’t hire for a position you don’t know you’re going to need two or three years down the line.

Employee reskilling and upskilling offers one solution to closing the gap. However, any initiative that’s responding to a change will always lag a few steps behind. This means more and more companies are turning to on-demand talent platforms to keep up and stay competitive. These solutions offer streamlined access to the expertise needed to bridge the gap, and solve real-world problems.

To learn more about the 7 Talent Trends Driving the Future of Work, download the free Ebook.

Alexa Baray

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