January 12, 2016 Swiftoberfest iPad and MacBook Pro Winners!

It’s hard to believe it’s been more than three months since we first kicked it off, but Swiftoberfest officially came to a close at the end of 2015. The iOS Community grew and competed a lot over the past three months — and won some great prizes along the way — but most importantly we had a blast doing it. During Swiftoberfest we:

  • Grew the iOS Community by more than 5,000 new members
  • Completed 28 iOS design and 57 Swift/iOS development challenges
  • Paid nearly $155,000 in challenge prize money
  • Awarded hundreds of Swift/iOS Ready! and Challenger badges
  • Hosted multiple Q&A sessions with experts in iOS app design and Swift development

That’s a lot to squeeze into three months!

The end of Swiftoberfest also means it’s time to announce our final Swiftoberfest leaderboard prize winners. Congratulations to Topcoder iOS Community members [seriyvolk83], [rckw], and [N1k1tung] for finishing atop the December leaderboard and winning iPads! And even bigger congratulations to [seriyvolk83] for finishing atop the overall Swiftoberfest leaderboard and winning a MacBook Pro!

Congratulations also to [muzehyun], [vipermuffin], [tomnaz], [martomi], [CodeStage], and [Josher8] for winning $99 prizes as part of the sweepstakes for members who earned their Swift/iOS Ready badge. These cash prizes reimbursed these lucky members for the annual fee for the Apple Developer Program.

And finally, congratulations to the over 100 iOS Community members who earned their Swift/iOS Ready badge during Swiftoberfest and won one of these cool Topcoder t-shirts. If you’re a shirt winner, we’ll also contact you by email with details on when your shirt is coming.

Thanks to all Topcoders who participated in Swiftoberfest, and congratulations again to all our prize winners! We’ve got more fun programs coming your way in 2016, and don’t forget that you’ll continue to find great Swift/iOS design and development challenges at http://ios.topcoder.com.


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