March 4, 2016 Recent Topcoder Community Releases

We’ve made a number of updates to community experiences and features over the last month and a half (often with your help!) and wanted to share the highlights.
Challenge card improvements
– Longer titles to make it easier to distinguish challenges: several lines of text are now shown and the full title is visible on mouseover
– “Private challenge” card to indicate that submissions are not available because the challenge was confidential; previously we would show that “no images were available” without explanation
– “Invite-only challenge” card to indicate past challenges that were open only to select members. These challenges do not have public results and so do not count toward challenge and win totals
Peer review improvements
– Upgrades to infrastructure to improve performance and reliability
– For peer review challenges (part of the iOS program) reviewers can leave, edit, and save comments on scorecards
Numerous small fixes
– End date for past Data Science challenges was incorrect and has been removed while challenge listings are rebuilt
– Styling for the “Log In” and “Join” buttons is now consistent and cleaner
– “Assembly” challenges are now succinctly described on the Profile
– Dummy text appearing in challenge results for Design challenges has been removed
– Users can now set their country to “Republic of Korea” and register for challenges without trouble (an issue with country codes was resolved)
– Challenge details pages should now display better and be zoomable on mobile devices
– Challenges should now display consistently on the Dashboard (some users reported active and past challenges occasionally disappearing temporarily)
– Places shown on Profile cards are now only those with prizes; previously places outside the winning range were occasionally being shown
– Members registering for challenges for the first time should now see their action immediately reflected on the challenge details page
– There is now no lag between a member registering for a challenge and seeing the challenge card appear on the Dashboard; unregistering for a challenge is also reflected right away (as a change in role)
– The browser back button now works correctly with Profile tabs: clicking on a challenge card, then clicking back, returns the user to the appropriate tab
– Links from upcoming SRM Dashboard cards have been disabled; they were previously taking users to a blank page
– Typeahead components for selecting skill and country now show matches in alphabetical order
– Web links on Profile should now be deletable with no issues

James Marquez


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