January 14, 2020 I Have a Dream – We Want to Hear Yours

Borrowing a well known statement from one of the most important speeches in history is a brave step, but it also shows how important it is in our tiny lives to make the tools we work with every day a pleasure to use instead of being a struggle. In our case we are not going to aim for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s dream, to make it self-evident that all men are created equal, though self-evidence has a great role for us as well. 

I have a dream today

We are about to launch an exploratory design challenge to hear your dreams/wishes/wants/needs regarding Topcoder’s challenge details page. We are looking for the ideal way information should be presented for each challenge on the platform. 

Are you the one?

Internal challenges and tasks always make me excited for a number of reasons, especially those that directly affect my life, because the subject is part of the platform that I work with as a competitor or a copilot. This is why I encourage you to first answer the questions below:

  • Do you remember the experience of submitting for your first couple of challenges on Topcoder?
  • Have you ever failed screening?
  • Do you tend to scroll through some parts of the challenge details page?
  • Are there any locations that you don’t even look at?
  • Have you ever mistyped the copilot’s email address when you wanted to request a Marvel project? 
  • Do you miss the old Studio?
  • Have you worked on any other crowdsourcing platform?
  • Have you ever visualized your own version of challenge specifications?
  • Do you tend to take notes based on a completely different logic then in is presented by Topcoder? 

Do these questions ring a bell? If yes, then this is the time when you can influence your own future and change the answers to the above questions for newbies.

The future

Changing an enormous platform like Topcoder with all its components is a huge task and also quite time consuming. We are doing our best to implement as much as possible in a reasonable period of time. Sometimes that means small steps forward, so we can ensure security and stability. This means that the winners’ dreams will be seriously considered in detail, though might need time to go live. Topcoder is deeply concerned about its members, so we would like to improve in the right direction and in a way that matters the most to you. 

Please stay tuned for the soon to be launched challenge that wants to learn about your dreams!


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