June 8, 2018 Food To Fuel: A Smoothie Challenge!

With the TCO18 qualifying rounds in full swing, our members are in super competitive mode. Elsewhere, co pilots are probably guiding competitors at the 11th hour to finish a real world challenge. We thought of bringing in a bit of food and fun to the mix, by teaming up with a the very talented Patrick Looney of Looney For Food which focuses on healthy, but tasty food.
“Community members are super-charged while solving problems, coding or creating designs. Meeting deadlines can get stressful for them. It is easy to resort to late night pizza and ice cream binges when the going gets tough. Instead, I have some quick, filling, and easy to make healthy snacks to keep them alert, nourished and feeling wide awake,” says Patrick.
So here goes Patrick’s first recipe of the Food To Fuel Series.

Sweet Potato Smoothie
This sweet potato smoothie is perfect for when you want something healthy, filling and a bit sweet. Vegan, dairy free and gluten-free it’s made with less than 10 ingredients.

Because these members will be near or actually working on their computers, I made sure each snack recipe is easy to eat while typing and not create a mess (sticky keyboard=NOT FUN)!
When you want energizing drinks, you probably think coffee, soda, red bull..but a smoothie is a better way to give you that energy boost. Most smoothies contain lots of fruits making them high in sugar. The result, that dreaded sugar crash about 15 minutes after you finish it.  
The Sweet Potato Smoothie has a comparatively lower sugar content because its base is made up of sweet potato with just a little banana for natural sweetness. Personally, I absolutely adore sweet potatoes for all my meals! While you may think it’s odd to use them in a smoothie, trust me, you’ll love it!
Plus, you really can’t go wrong with a sweet potatoes superfood nutritional content such as beta-carotine, immunity boosting vitamins and fiber! Not to mention both the potato and banana, which aid in the prevention of cramping. So there will be no finger cramping slowing you down.
This sweet potato smoothie also contains almond butter, a touch of cinnamon and frozen cauliflower. What? First you give me a potato and now cauliflower? I promise I am not crazy and you can’t really taste it. The cauliflower gives it volume for minimal calories (I like my volume food), and gives it that oh-so-lovely creamy texture.
In case you are wondering, volume foods are simply foods that physically have a lot of volume (or size) to them but are low in calories. Incorporating these foods into your meals is a secret weapon to feeling satisfied while trying to lose weight!
Coming back to the smoothie, its flavor will remind you of a hearty pumpkin pie (if not a warm one), and you can’t beat that! What’s more, it also happens to be vegan, dairy free, and gluten-free.
So break out the blender, throw everything in and wiz away. That is all it takes to get this nutrient dense snack or breakfast that packs an energizing punch!
Without further ado, here goes the Sweet Potato Smoothie recipe.
Prep time: 5 mins
Total time: 5 mins
Serves: 2 (12 ounce) servings
200 grams (1 cup) cooked sweet potato
100 grams (1 cup) cauliflower, frozen
100 grams (1 medium) banana, frozen
30 grams (2 tablespoons) almond butter
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 teaspoon cinnamon
5 ice cubes
Place everything in a high-powered blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into 2 glasses and enjoy
Nutritional Value:
Calories: 248
Fat: 9
Carbohydrates: 37
Sugar: 12
Sodium: 160
Protein: 8
Cholesterol: 0
The natural sugars from the banana and sweet potato are the only things adding sweetness. If you want it sweeter add a little sugar, sugar substitute, honey, or molasses.
You can also add 30-60 grams of protein powder or cottage cheese but it will no longer be vegan.
In our next blog for the ‘Food to Fuel’ series, we are going to give you Patrick’s magic recipe for popcorn. We promise, it’s different!
Recipe & Photo courtesy: Patrick Looney



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