May 18, 2018 A Guide for Creating Topcoder LUX & RUX Presentations

First, you might wonder what is a RUX or LUX?
The Live User Experience (LUX) is a fast challenge that runs for 48 hours and has a number of big prizes. The LUX challenge takes place during a live event with Topcoder and a customer. The Rapid User Experience (RUX) is similar to a LUX but it runs for 72 hours and awards 5 big prizes. Both challenges run fast and are only a one round challenge.
LUX & RUX challenges provide designers with the opportunity to show digital leaders from some of the largest companies in the world, just how good they are at creating concepts, User Experience (UX) Design, and User Interface (UI) Design. They are fast, fun, and designers have more chances to earn prize money! We even have leaderboards for these!
Even though these challenges are only one round, there is a midway point in the competition where you can submit your design (called a Rolling Checkpoint) and is a great opportunity to receive feedback and win $50.
One important page that is always required in these challenges is the Presentation Screen. Being that the event can be at a conference or with important stakeholders, this page is the one that will be used as a selling point. For a LUX, it will be the only one that will be displayed to the entire audience. Making a good first impression with this screen is very important when trying to attract the attention of the client. It should be used to capture only the essentials, and not be too cluttered with unnecessary elements.

Desktop Presentation

Mobile Presentation
What to keep in mind:
1. Make presentation screens large so the details are visible
2. Don’t add any text, as you’ll have to scale the images smaller
3. You can add the logo
4. If you are showing a presentation for desktop design, show 2-3 design pages, if it’s mobile, look to show 5 pages.
5. Keep them simple.
If you want to learn how to do a RUX presentation, check this great video tutorial made by gh3ablo. Thank you!


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