September 7, 2011 A CloudSpokes Recap of DF11, and DFHack

It’s been quite a week for CloudSpokes, so after a brief Labor Day rest we wanted to recap our highlights from last week.

First and foremost – it was great to see old friends, and make some new ones.

Second, we owe many thanks and have to give props to the Salesforce #DFHack crew that put on an excellent show and let us power the hackathon at the biggest tech conference in the world – so thank you Jose, Nick, Dave, Quinton, Reid, Ron, and the rest of the Salesforce developer team.
Last, but definitely not least, we have to tip our hats to all the developers involved in the hackathon.  Here’s our list of winners as we captured it:
1st placeKyle Roche, with the “RingDNA” app, using the new Twilio client and Salesforce
2nd placeYosun Chang, with the dizzying “Social Voxel” App
3rd place – Shamil Arsunukayev (& team), with the “Mood Detector” App built using GNIP
Category winners:
Twilio – Justin McNally, “Twilio Call Center” App (call in and call out from SFDC, attach the logs to the right person)
Appirio – Sasikiran Myadam, “ChatNearMe” social App
DocuSign – Michael Leach, “SF Giants, Group Tickets” purchasing App with Facebook and
GNIP – Shamil Arsunukayev (& team), with the “Mood Detector” App using GNIP’s social API
We have a video coming soon with all the highlights, but for now here’s a collage of all the great people that made this event awesome – bonus points if you can find Marc Benioff:


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