November 24, 2020 5 Questions you Must Answer When Looking to Adopt Enterprise Crowdsourcing

If you’re incorporating more contingent workers during the pandemic, you’re not alone. Enterprise crowdsourcing and the use of on-demand talent is booming. And you still need to win over an executive sponsor and your teammates. The 5 Questions You Must Answer when Looking to Adopt Enterprise Crowdsourcing Ebook is a new resource designed to help you do just that.

In the nearly 20 years that Topcoder has been helping enterprises innovate with on demand talent, we hear the same 5 questions come up consistently. Typical objections for crowd adoption such as:

  • Will crowdsourcing work for me?
  • Do I have to change to engage with crowdsourcing?

We’ve learned a lot in 20 years, and one thing we continually try to do is prepare our partners who are ready to use on-demand talent. This Ebook tackles the 5 critical crowd adoption questions we hear most often. Trust us, somebody at your organization is going to ask them. 

Read them, understand why they matter, and get our tips on how to answer them effectively. Download the Ebook to: 

  • Prepare and preempt crucial discussions around IP & Security
  • Learn if crowd is a good solution for your pain points
  • Be assured that you don’t have to change to engage with crowdsourcing
  • Understand how Topcoder’s delivery model ensures predictability of outcomes
  • See the ROI metrics that matter and how you can plan to present them

Do you want to be associated with workforce strategy leadership that impacts your organization? Then download the 5 Question. Plus—enjoy an audio version of the Ebook when you download.

Look out for upcoming posts in this 3 part blog series. Part 2 will focus on IT agility through crowdsourcing, and Part 3 will show you how to drive adoption by starting with a portfolio of projects.

Dhananjay Deshmukh

Global Sales Head

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