February 22, 2016 And we're off!

Hey Community!

This past week, I had the pleasure of going to San Francisco, the home of our new TC Headquarters for our 2016 Topcoder Kickoff! Along with almost all the Topcoder staff members from across the world where we spent 2 1/2 days huddled talking about all things Topcoder.

Many of us work remotely and we rarely see our coworkers face to face so the meetings allowed us all to be together as a team and get really jazzed for the year ahead. We listened to our Captain, Mike Epner, heard from our customers, participated in our very own LUX Challenge (a first for many of us!), and even had a Q & A panel with some of our top CAB members, DaraK, scott_wu, and chekspir, where the larger Topcoder team got to meet these amazing members and we got to hear directly from them their thoughts about Topcoder and on their CAB term.


The brainstorming, team building, discussions of our goals, and the collaboration this event enabled for our team were so important to us that we wanted to share our excitement with you. We all left San Francisco hyped up for our team, for our community, and the year ahead for Topcoder.

The passion and enthusiasm on display by our team at this event shined through. The same passion and enthusiasm you have for competing and participating at Topcoder is what our team has for making Topcoder the best crowdsourcing community and platform in the world!


As for the LUX challenge we participated in, here are two of the ones that had us laughing and having a good time:

First Place: universo

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Second Place: gh3ablo

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