Challenge Overview

This is the 250 points Easy level problem of Master CodeWalker: Topcoder Skill Builder Competition : Full Stack. For more challenge context info Register for the Host Competition before submitting a solution to this problem.
Problem Statement: REBEL ACCESS PORTAL
The Rebel Alliance is the military force to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. The Rebel Alliance army needs quick login before they can enter the Republic Empire palace under the pursuit of the Galactic Empire stormtroopers.
Your task in this challenge, need to create a login page to allow the Rebels army to get authenticated before can access the Portal.
What do you need to do?
- There’s no storyboard provided like a normal challenge.
- You MUST use this Full Stack starter pack :
- Let’s discuss any problems and obstacles on the challenge forum. We need to find the best possible solution.
1. Frontend:
- Login Form
- Username (Text Input)
- Password (Text Input)
- Login (Button)
- Need to go to the Dashboard after successfully logged in.
- Create error message if user data not found, or username and password not correct
- Dashboard page can be just text placeholder
- Put a link for the user to logout, make sure logout function works
2. Backend:
- Login endpoint needs to accept these parameters:
- Username
- Password
- Set User Authentication using JWT like in starter pack
- Return Success / Error Message
3. Database
- Create Table Rebel Alliance User
- Username
- Password
- Rank
- Set User Authentication using JWT like in starter pack
- Create a script to create some random Rebel data. Check sample data from here:
- We have prepared three problems: Easy, Medium, and Hard, which are worth 250, 500, 1000 points respectively. Points are based on the difficulty of the problem.
- The competitions may or may not be related to each other.
- The links to the problems/competitions are provided below.
- Each problem has one single requirement to achieve. We will judge your submission based on the requirement being fulfilled in each problem, so as long as the requirements are met with minimal code quality, you would be rewarded with points for that particular problem.
- Here is the Full Stack Leaderboard with individual problem score and total score across weeks is available.
- Easy: 250 Points :: REBEL ACCESS PORTAL
- Medium: 500 Points :: REBEL INVENTORIES
- Hard: 1000 Points :: REBEL RESOURCES
Final Submission Guidelines
- You can submit a patch file against the provided codebase- You can also submit your whole codebase to us