February 24, 2017 Topcoder Website Bug Bash II – Recap

Have you already heard about the ongoing efforts to upgrade our community’s website up to the tomorrow’s standards for UI and user-experience? In case you have not, consider subscribing for the Topcoder blog and newsletters, and also to check out the alpha preview of the new challenge-listing page! At the same time, we are actively working to bring numerous fixes and enhancements to the existing sections of Topcoder website. The second edition of Topcoder Website Bug Bash has just finished, and I am eager to share the results!
This time five members of our lovely community have participated in fixing 14 issues, and they have earned $305 in total! Don’t you say “What’s up, it is about twice less then the last time!”, as the duration of this Bug Bash was also twice shorter, just one week versus two. In fact, simple math says we have performed a bit better this time. With all this said, let me brief you about it…

The changes done on the website

  • We have added View Scorecards and Complete Appeals buttons to the challenge cards in your Dashboard. They appear there during Appeals phase; to conveniently link you to the corresponding pages in the Online Review. Some further enhancements are necessary and will be done (e.g. the Complete Appeals button does not turn yet into Resume Appeals after you use it), but, I believe, they are quite useful already anyway.
  • Similar buttons have been added to the Challenge Details page for development challenges. Again, further enhancements are necessary (including support for these buttons for design challenges), and they will be done as soon as possible.
  • The link to the challenge forum on the Challenge Details page was shown only to competitors before. We have changed that, and now it is also shown to copilots, observers, reviewers, and to everybody involved in a challenge!
  • We have fixed the blog feed in the Dashboard (for some time it failed to load).
  • We have modified the mobile view of active/past challenge listings in your Dashboard. Now it is way easier to scroll through them on your mobile device.
  • Also we have done a number of small fixes and technical enhancements which are not visible to you, but will help us to enhance the website further.

Thank you for your attention! I hope to see you among participants of our next Bug Bash which will happen some time soon. Remember, even if you are not in the mood to code, you still are welcome to pass by our issue tracker to suggest fixes and/or enhancements to our favorite website!


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