Key Information

Status: ‌Cancelled client request

Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Software Testing Practice Challenge!

This challenge is designed to help you learn/practice and get started with Software Testing Competitions at Topcoder by submitting to this very simple Bug Hunt Competition in which we are asking you to find three defects in (Don’t worry! We have the sample bugs logged for your reference).

The Software Testing Track at Topcoder, commonly known as QA Track, consists of four types of challenges: 

  • Unstructured Testing: In these types of challenges you are asked to test without predefined test cases, also known as Bug Hunt.
  • Structured Testing: In these types of challenges you are asked to execute predefined test cases step by step and check if test results are correct
  • Structured Test Case Writing: In these types of challenges you are asked to write test cases based on prototypes, functional requirement specifications, e
  • Automated Testing: In these types of challenges you are asked to use automation tools to execute test cases.

The most popular challenge type in the QA track is Bug Hunt. Here you are asked to report bugs including the steps to reproduce and the type of bug you found. While competing with others, you are paid for each verified bug and can also receive extra prize money for finding the most number of bugs. 

In this practice challenge, we bring a basic Bug Hunt Challenge for you so that you can adapt and get accustomed to the challenge phases.

Each code challenge goes through the following time period phases

  • Registration – Duration in which you can register for the challenge
  • Submission – Duration in which you can submit the bugs you detect
  • Review –Duration in which reviewers review the bugs and mark them as valid or invalid
  • Appeals – Duration in which submitters can appeal on scorecards as needed
  • Appeals Response – Duration in which reviewers respond to appeals and winner is chosen

For more help, we have a detailed guide about how to compete in a QA Challenge or check out this video.


In this challenge, you are asked to find and post about any three defects in

Challenge Requirements

Detailed Requirement:

  • Find three defects in  (No worries! We have the sample bugs logged for your reference) 
  • Post the issue (defect) in the format mentioned below to this Github Repo:
  • Don’t have a GitHub account?  Sign up for a free account here

Bug Format

Bug Title: <Concise description of the bug>
Steps to Reproduce: <Detailed steps to reproduce the bug>
Actual Result: <Actual result after reproduction steps>
Expected Result: <Expected result after reproduction steps>
Screenshots or screencast URL: <URL of screenshots/screencast of the issue>
Device/OS/Browser Information: <Detailed device, OS and Browser information>

Classify the bug as one of the following Bug Types:

  • Functional Bug - Improper system behaviour. Examples:(1) A button that doesn’t work (2) A link that leads to 404 Page-not-found error (3) Filter that doesn’t work, etc.
  • UI Bug - Layout issues (misalignment, overlapping, spacing), font and colour issues, etc.
  • UX / Usability Bug - User eXperience issues and enhancements of the current application
  • Accessibility Bug - Issues related to accessibility based on WCAG 2.1 guidelines
  • Content Bug - Grammar and/or spelling issues

Final Submission Guidelines

Find and post at least three valid bugs (each bug should be of different bug types) to GitHub. When you are done, submit a text file using the “Submit” button present on this page. In this text file include:

  • Your GitHub handle used to raise the issues. (Login to GitHub and click on the Profile picture > Your Profile. Check the URL[Your Username] )


As this challenge is to help you get started, there is no cash prize associated with it. However, each bug you post will be validated and detailed feedback will be added to your bugs. 

What Next?

  • Visit Topcoder Challenge Listing Page and filter by the SubTrack ‘Bug Hunt’ to see all the available Bug Hunt challenges.
  • Participate in future Bug Hunt Challenges (which have their own Cash Prizes), gather TCO points towards QA Track and stand a chance to win the ‘TCO20 QA Champion’ Title and a whopping $10,000 Cash Prize.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30108180