Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Topcoder QA Fun Challenge Series - Challenge 1.

Topcoder is building a new track called QA (Quality Assurance) and looking forward to seeing more new members competing in this track. This challenge is a bug hunt challenge of this fun challenge series.
To understand what is bug hunt, click here:

Challenge Requirements

As this is a “Fun Challenge”, the task is so easy!

In this challenge, we are going to guide new testers to find at least 5 bugs in the domain “”, e.g. the valid url can be , , etc.  
Bug type label can be one of the following: “Functional”, “UI”, “UX / Usability” and “Content”. Below are the detailed info about these bug labels.
Functional bugs - the improper system behavior or enabled product features

UI bugs - layout issues (misalignment, overlapping, spacing), font and color issues, etc.

UX / Usability bugs - user experience issues and enhancements of current application

Content bugs - grammar/spelling issues


  • First 50 members with valid submission will win a T-shirt.



Final Submission Guidelines

1. Submit a zip file with a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx) in it.

2. The Microsoft Word file needs to contain at least 5 bugs in it, each bug report needs to follow the bug report template format provided below.

Bug Report Template

<Bug Title: concise description of the bug>

### Reproduction Steps ###

<Detailed steps to reproduce the bug>

### Expected Result ###

<Expected result after reproduction steps>

### Actual Result ###

<Actual result after reproduction steps>

### Screenshots or screencast ###

<Screenshots or screencast showing the bug>

### Device/OS/Browser Information ###

<Detailed device and browser information>

### Bug Label ###

<one of Functional, UI, UX/Usability, Content>


Sample Bug Report

Bug Title: valid credential cannot login

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Open the url

  2. Click “Log In” button

  3. Enter “test” for username, “test” for password

  4. Click “LOG IN” button

Expected Result: User should be logged in.

Actual Result: User is not logged in, error message is shown as “That password is incorrect. Please check that you entered the right one.”.

Screenshots or screencast


Device/OS/Browser Information

Device: Computer/Laptop

OS: Windows 10

Browser: Firefox 73.0

Bug Label: Functional


Topcoder Open 2019


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30088944