Key Information

Status: ‌Cancelled failed review

Challenge Overview

In this challenge, we need your help to enhance the Electron framework with support for native MacOS “traffic light” window controls.

This change will allow our client to use their MacOS window title bar styles during custom drag operations.

This should be an extension to the Electron API.

Detailed Requirements

  • Fork the repo from and work based on the native-macos-window-controls branch.

  • Extend the Electron API to support native “traffic light” window controls (close, minimize, maximize) on and off after the window was created. This will allow our customer to use their custom title bar styles during custom drag operations.

  • The new code should be well documented

  • The new code should be unit tested.


Important note! This is an open source project and you’ll have to follow the coding best practices established in the existing code base.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a git patch file for the latest commit in native-macos-window-controls branch.

The winner will be asked to create a pull request to our repo.



2018 Topcoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30064520